Kansas State University


Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification

Author: kmtully

The Rural Household Multiple Indicator Survey (RHOMIS): evaluating where and for whom Sustainable Intensification works

What is RHOMIS?

There is an urgent need for tools that produce standardised, coherent, cost-effective and decision-relevant information to support efficient and impactful development programming. The Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHOMIS) framework (www.rhomis.org) does just that, and provides an implementation-ready solution that produces quantitative information for planning and monitoring investments in sustainable intensification across a range of rural contexts.

RHOMIS is a flexible digital platform built on open-source software that can be easily modified to meet a range of needs while collecting a core set of data that feeds into a global discussion on the success of sustainable intensification.

In recent work, supported by the Feed the Future Sustainable Intensification Innovation Lab’s Geospatial and Farming Systems Research Consortium (GFC) and AfricaRISING Ethiopia, both part of the USAID funded Feed the Future portfolio, RHOMIS data has been used to better understand and quantify the trade-offs and synergies inherent to households adopting sustainable intensification using the SIIL-developed Sustainable Intensification Indicator Assessment Framework (https://www.k-state.edu/siil/resources/framework/index.html). The data we collect with RHOMIS is also used to track household and landscape-level progress towards achieving several of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDG 1 (no poverty), 2 (zero hunger) and 5 (gender equity).

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Strengthening SIIL’s work with local research partners

Dr. Vara Prasad, Director of Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification & University Distinguished Professor, discusses the importance of collaboration to the SIIL and the process of building the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Sustainable Intensification (SIIL) from the ground up. Dr. Prasad mentions the importance of gaining buy in from private industry in order to enhance sustainability of large system wide research. Collaboration between multiple organizations: NARES, CGIAR, private industry, donors, public and academic institutions, have all come together for one very important goal of addressing the needs of smallholder farmers. Through these collaborations, smallholder farmers have been able to greatly benefit from SIIL research activities, demonstration plots, cite specific management recommendations, and trainings. 

Appropriate-Scale Mechanization Enables a Chain of Innovations for Smallholder Farmers in Burkina Faso.

The Appropriate Scale Mechanization Consortium (ASMC)-Burkina Faso has great respect for the contribution of farmers and blacksmiths in the process of adapting and promoting mechanization for sustainable agricultural intensification. Farmers understand how mechanization advances their farming system, and work alongside the local blacksmiths who understand their needs and have the skills to repair and build their tools. Long-term impacts will result from nurturing the social process whereby farmers, blacksmiths, and other stakeholders take ownership of their own development. Our partners are developing confidence in identifying and evaluating problems and potential solutions. We are refining the process of experimenting, adopting and disseminating innovations that are useful and appropriate.

On-farm innovations

On-farm innovation is a key component in the process of continuous

Figure 1. Mechanized planting of maize will alleviate the tedious work of hand planting for women and children.

improvement of the farming system. An innovation can be physical, mechanical, biochemical, behavioral or a modification of an existing method or technology–“a new thing or method used in farming” (Nielsen, 2001)–to advance some aspect of the farming system. In Burkina Faso, advances in mechanization facilitated by the ASMC have enabled a chain of innovations in methods, techniques, and inputs for tillage, seed placement, plant population, crop rotations and crop varieties, feed processing and storage adapted to local conditions. See video: On Farm Innovations, Burkina Faso

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Sustaining the Future of Cambodian Agriculture


Engaging young people in agriculture is a crucial priority to maintain the food supply and economy.

We’ve seen the seemingly trend-line here in the United States for the last century: it’s difficult to engage youth on the farm.

Similar challenges also exist in Cambodia. Not only do the young people not want to stay in the countryside on the farm, they often want to move to the larger urban areas. This migration of youth could have dire consequences for the future of agriculture in a country where most of the population is dependent on farming.

The government is addressing the problem by exposing young people to the opportunities in agriculture and making an agriculture education more attractive and affordable.

And a group of USAID-affiliated researchers is doing their part to help.

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