Wild West District Extension Blog

Start the New Year Right with Healthy Eating

Start the New Year Right with Healthy Eating

By Nancy Honig, FCS Agent

January has become the time of year many make plans or resolutions to change their eating habits and start eating healthier. Just in time for the New Year the USDA has completed its update to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


My Plate is still around and very little has changed as far as recommendations. We still encourage you to focus on whole fruits, vary your veggies, and to move to low-fat or fat-free dairy milk or yogurt (or lactose-free dairy or fortified soy versions). We also want you to make half your grains whole grains, vary your protein routine, and choose foods and beverages with less added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium.


A simple thought is to make every bite count. A healthy eating routine can help boost your health now and, in the years, to come. Think about how your food choices come together over the course of your day or week to help you create a healthy eating routine. Take a look at your current eating routine. Pick one or two ways that you can switch to choices today that move you in a healthier direction. It may be to increase your water consumption, or eat one more serving of fruits and vegetables then you currently consume.


One tool available that can assist with that is the new My Plate Phone App. With the app you can

pick your goals, see real-time progress, and earn badges that celebrate your success. There are lots of subscriptions out there for apps to help you keep track of your eating but this one is free and helps you learn and reminds you to make healthier food choices each day.


You can set goals within food groups (Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein Foods, Dairy) by choosing from variety of goals or tap “Pick for me!” to have goals selected for you. There is also a MyPlate Quiz where you can use the results code to set your personal goals. Your goals can sync up to your smartwatch, or you can do it all on your mobile device.


Sometimes we just need a reminder to eat better. Sometimes we need something to keep us accountable. And sometimes we just need a new gadget to make it more fun! If eating healthier is part of your goal for the New Year I encourage you to check out the app at: https://www.myplate.gov/resources/tools/startsimple-myplate-app

Or, you can just go to www.myplate.gov and check out all of the great information in the updated Dietary Guidelines

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