Wild West District Extension Blog

Tag: Cattle

Timing of Vaccinations for Calves

By: Lacey Noterman, District Livestock Agent

With the year we’ve all been through, most would agree that everyone have an increased awareness of how vaccinations and immunity are connected. Not only is this true for people, but it is for cattle as well, and the timing of when calves should be vaccinated will be somewhat dependent on when they will be marketed according to the experts at the Kansas State University Beef Cattle Institute.

“Vaccines are most effective when they are given a few weeks before calves are at risk for the disease,” said Brad White, veterinarian and BCI Director.

For calves that leave the farm at weaning, veterinarian Bob Larson said, they are at a greater risk for a respiratory challenge because of the trucking and co-mingling with cattle from different herds. In spring-born calves that sell at weaning, Larson advised calves be given their immunizations three to four weeks ahead of that event for maximum immunity.

“We typically vaccinate calves against the respiratory diseases of IBR and BVD,” Larson said.

For cattle that stay on the ranch past weaning, Larson and White agree that those vaccinations can be given when the calves are a little older.

“To keep the cattle healthy, it is more than just giving a vaccine, it is also about providing the cattle a good diet, and minimizing the stress of weaning. The vaccines are just one tool,” Larson said.

White added that it takes typically two to four weeks before the immunity generated through the vaccine will offer an adequate level of protection.

For those producers who choose to vaccinate the calves at weaning, Larson emphasized the importance of planning for low stress weaning. Some strategies include locating the calves and their dams across the fence from each other as well as offering the water and feed in a familiar location.

“The time to start planning for an October weaning of spring-born calves is now,” White said. “For some vaccines one dose is enough but for others a two-dose regimen is required.”

The bottom line, Larson said, is to time these immunizations to the situation.

“It is important to time the vaccinations to when the greatest risk for disease will be and often that is when there is going to be a change in their diet and an exposure to cattle from other herds,” Larson said.

For more information on this topic, contact Lacey Noterman, Wild West Extension Agent at 620-675-2261 or lnote@ksu.edu


108th Cattlemen’s Day

By:  Lacey Noterman, Livestock Agent

On Friday, March 5, 2021, the Department of Animal Sciences & Industry at Kansas State University will proudly continue its tradition of the KSU Cattlemen’s Day. Unfortunately, due to continued concerns around the COVID-19 situation, event size limitations, and standing by the department’s commitment to keeping the safety of participants as its top priority, it was decided to not host the trade show in 2021 and the program has been moved online.

“We’re excited to host the 108th KSU Cattlemen’s Day,” says Ken Odde, K-State professor and Cattlemen’s Day co-chairman. “Although COVID-19 restrictions have led us to transition this year’s event online, we are excited about the lineup of speakers and the topics they will address. Our annual program strives to address key issues and provide current information that keeps our industry efficient and relevant. This year’s featured speakers — Dr. Jayson Lusk, Jason Rumley and Robert Norris — will summarize how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the U.S. beef industry from the producer and processor and beyond.”

The program will include the latest information to help you understand the significant changes occurring in the beef industry.  COVID-19 has had a huge impact, and this year’s Cattlemen’s Day program will examine these impacts on beef producers, processors, foodservice and retail segments of the industry.

Registration is free.  To register go to: asi.ksu.edu/CattlemensDay Please be sure to register prior to March 5th.  For more information, please contact Lacey Noterman, Wild West Extension District Livestock Agent, at 620-675-2261 or lnote@ksu.edu


Integrated Resource Management (IRM) Redbooks

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has developed integrated Resource Management (IRM) Redbooks for more than 20 years in order to help cattlemen and women keep better production records and enhance the profitability of their operations.

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These Redbooks are small enough to fit in your pocket and are extremely handy to use whenever you need to record important information.  They are an inexpensive way to keep your business on track.

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