Private Pesticide Applicator Certification
By Ron Honig
Now with what we surely hope is the worst of the winter behind us, producers can look forward to the spring cropping season and the top-dressing of the wheat crop.
Producers either supervising applicators or applying restricted-use pesticides themselves, must obtain a Private Pesticide Applicator license from the Kansas Department of Agriculture (KDA) or from the department of ag in the state where the application is being made.
A private pesticide applicator certification may only be used to apply or supervise the application of a restricted use pesticide product according to label directions for the purpose of producing an agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by the private certified applicator or such person’s employer.
However, if applied without compensation other than trading of personal services between producers of agricultural commodities, a pesticide can be applied on property owned or rented by another producer of an agricultural commodity.
Farm employees applying either dicamba or Gramoxone (paraquat) products must have their own private applicator license as well as have completed specific dicamba and paraquat training. Farm employees cannot apply these products using the farm owners (employer’s) license.
Private certification may be obtained by passing an open book examination at a County Extension office. Please contact the Extension office in advance to arrange a time to take the exam. On average, it takes two hours to complete the exam’s 75 questions. A passing score is 75 percent or more questions answered correctly.
Once obtained, the private applicator certification expires on the individual’s birthday in the 5th calendar year after it is issued. Renewal testing may be taken online at home. First-time initial testing however, must be done at an Extension office. During the height of the COVID-19 crisis, first-time certification exams were available in online form, however the online format has now been limited to a few select cases.
At the time the exam is taken the Extension office will collect a $25 fee, preferably in the form of a check made out to “Kansas Department of Ag”.
The manual used for the open-book exam can be obtained in three ways: A copy may be borrowed from the Extension office while completing the test, a copy may be purchased from the Extension office for a $10 fee, or the manual can be downloaded at no cost from the KDA website. By purchasing a private applicator manual, the producer will have the reference needed when it is time take their renewal exam.
For more information, producers should feel free to contact one of the Wild West Extension District offices.