Why Walk?
By Nancy Honig
Walking is something we do on a regular basis as we get up and move daily. But why should you add walking to part of your exercise routine?
Science proves that walking 150-300 minutes/week can transform your physical and mental health. Here are some ways that walking can improve your health.
Brain- Improves memory and cognition; reduces your risk of strok 30%; helps relieve anxiety and depression.
Chronic – Aids in weight management and delayed onset or prevention of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, some types of cancer, arthritis and back pain.
Pain management – Helps to relieve back pain; keeps knee joints healthy.
Mood – Improves your outlook on life; boost creativity and problem solving. These benefits are immediate!
Healthy aging- Improves balance and mobility; strengths bones and muscles; reduce falls; improve sleep; extends years of active life.
So, if seeing this inspires you to get out and walk, we have the perfect incentive! Join this year’s Walk Kansas!
Walk Kansas is an energizing 8-week, team-based health initiative. Groups of six form a team, with one serving as the captain. Team members do not have to live in the same town, county, state or country.
During Walk Kansas, teams log and report minutes of physical activity, cups of fruits and vegetables consumed, and glasses of water. Tracking can be one of the most important tools for making lifestyle changes. Recording progress keeps you focused and helps your team meet and exceed their goals! Go to walkkansasonline.org to register. If you need more information, contact us at any of the Extension offices and we will get you started!