Wild West District Extension Blog

Youth Canning Class

Youth Canning Class

By Devin Ramsey, 4-H Agent

Do you have a garden and are interested in how you can save your produce to eat throughout the year? Or want to make your own jam and jelly? It might be fun to learn how to water bath can. Water bath canning if done safely is a great way to do all of these but if not done correctly can be dangerous.

The youth canning class is open to any youth 7-18 they do not have to be in 4-H. We will be offering two zoom informational sessions on May 4th and May 20th at 5:30pm. Attendance at one of these sessions is required in order to patriciate in the hands-on sessions. You can register for the zoom sessions hereĀ https://kstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6MxYuXPAjsHaLjg. After the zoom sessions those that attended will be given the registration for the hands-on sessions. Dates for hand-on sessions are May 25th at Satanta High School and July 9th at the Liberal Rec. More dates will be added as needed.

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