Record Books
By Devin Ramsey, 4-H Agent
There is a lot of 4-H’ers that wait until the last minute to start their record books but now is a great time to start if you haven’t already. Most are done with school and have a little more free time on their hands. Even just working for 15 minutes a day is super helpful. This year the only record book that will be accepted is the online ZSuite project records. I know for many of you change is hard but this new online form is very easy and there is tons of helpful tips.
Such as on the Wild West District Webpage hereĀ Also in each of the newsletters there has been a new tip and challenge to help you with your record books. You can also check out the Kansas 4-H Website hereĀ I am also doing some Record Book Zooms or you are always welcome to email or stop by the office and would be more than happy to help.
Start by challenging your 4-H’er to work on their record book for 10 minutes each day. It will make the deadline approaching a lot less stressful.