Planning and budgeting for a summer vacation
By Kristin Penner
As things start opening up around the state/country many families are starting to think about vacations. But, for some finances may be holding them back. Here are a few tips on where to start in planning and saving for a vacation.
First, think about who will be going? Will it be just yourself, family, or a group of people. What are the common interest of the group? And how will you be getting there, car, train, plane, etc.
Next, think about what you will be able to budget for this vacation. Avoiding putting yourself in debt is important for your financial health. Start by making a written plan. Set a budget amount that you are comfortable with and stick with it. Also don’t forget to budget in spending money when you get there. This is what can easily break any budget.
Now start shopping around for discounts. Being flexible sometimes allows you to get great deals on things you want to do. Not going over a holiday weekend or at a peak time will allow your money to go further. The internet makes shopping around easy and allows you to plan your trip in advance before getting there, as well as knowing how much it is going to cost.
Vacation mean something different to everyone. Some consider it “stressful and Expensive” and some consider it “restful and restorative”. However, you feel make sure you are prepared financially by planning ahead. Remember vacations do not have to be a week long. Think about a “Staycation” or a weekend vacation.