Wild West District Extension Blog

Frosting and Fillings at Fair

Frosting and Fillings at Fair

By Devin Ramsey, 4-H Agent

There has always been a struggle to figure out what can and cannot be used at fair for frostings and fillings. This is always one of the biggest reasons stuff gets disqualified at fair. It is very important food items brought to the fair are shelf stable and able to be left out and not need to be kept cold.

K-State Research and Extension put together a great resource that you use to check and make sure your recipe is safe to use. Also be sure to check the rules in your fairbook or call the extension office if you have questions. https://bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3544.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2_JrgTFWQfMCfusxbOzcPfq2hASY2U3AKr_tLcnea6njr_nuRWn5BZCcE

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