Wild West District Extension Blog

Drink Less Soda for Better Health

Drink Less Soda for Better Health 

Brought to you by Summer Stafford via Saber Health 


The American Heart Association estimates that people drink an average of 17 teaspoons of sugar a day. It is recommended that women drink 6 teaspoons and men drink 9 teaspoons of sugar each day. The sugars found in soda can have many negative effects, including an increased risk of: 


  1. Diabetes 
  1. Inflammation 
  1. High blood pressure 
  1. Tooth decay 
  1. Unwanted weight gain 
  1. Increased heart rate 
  1. Insomnia 
  1. Weakened bones 
  1. Skin aging and wrinkles 


Soda can be highly addictive for many who drink it because it releases dopamine, which is a feel-good hormone that helps you feel happy.  

For more information and great ideas on how to kick that soda-drinking habit, click here> saberhealth 


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