What is the State 4-H Horse Panorama?
By Judy Parsons, 4-H Youth Development Agent
Every year 4-H horse youth from across Kansas come together to test their knowledge of horses at the State 4-H Horse Panorama. This year the event will be held at the Kansas State University-Salina campus on Saturday, January 27th. Several youth and adults from the Wild West District (Haskell, Seward, and Stevens Counties) 4-H horse project are planning to attend and compete in the contests.
The Panorama consists of several in-person contests as well as virtual contests. In-person contests include Horse Quiz Bowl, Hippology, Public Speaking, Project Talks, and Demonstrations. Virtual contests include Photography, Logo Design, Ad Layout, Posters, and PowerPoint. The contests are divided into age divisions such as Senior ages 14 -18, Open ages 9-18, and Intermediate ages 9-13.
This year the Panorama has included a first-timers division, non-competitive event for ages 7-18. This will be an educational activity to allow youth the opportunity to test and demonstrate their knowledge of horses without the pressure of a competition.
The Horse Quiz Bowl contest consists of rounds where youth are given questions all about horses such as anatomy, events, breeds, markings, colors, diseases, feed, nutrition, and much more. Youth have to buzz in with correct answers to receive points which allow them to advance rounds or place in the competition.
The Hippology Contest consists of three phases – Examination or written tests, Stations where youth identify items and Team Problem where youth work together to solve a problem and give a short presentation for their answer. The youth will be tested over the same topics as in the quiz bowl.
The Public Speaking, Project Talks and Demonstration contests allow the youth to develop their presentation skills and self-confidence in a friendly setting.
The Virtual contest are sent in electronically to be judged and must be equine-related subjects. These develop the creative side of our horse youth.
Youth have the opportunity to qualify for National Contests by placing at this State 4-H Horse Contest. Participants attending the State and later the National Contests represent themselves, the 4-H program and all youth in general. 4-H expects youth to model the six pillars of Character Counts of trustworthiness, responsibility, respect, fairness, caring and citizenship.