Welcome A-Board: Board Leadership
Getting involved in your community is something that we all should strive to do. Towns that have a philanthropic nature tend to thrive more in a host of different areas. One way to become more involved is to join a local board. This can be done through churches, non-profit organizations, civic organizations and many more. Typically, these boards organize to provide a service or accomplish a goal.
Being on a board is important, and sometimes it will require a lot of your time. If you are asked to be on a board, or if you are seeking appointment, remember that you are a skilled and valuable resource. However, before joining the organization, you should educate your self of the goals, history, problems and clients. It is also acceptable, and encouraged, to ask questions such as, what kind of time commitment will this require? Are there specific tasks I will be required to perform?
As a board member, you need to be prepared to serve the organization in which you have agreed to volunteer for. Below are 17 tasks for board members which will help you to fulfill your responsibilities.