Wild West District Extension Blog

What’s the spin on SPIN Clubs?

What’s the spin on SPIN Clubs?

By Kylee Harrison, Community Vitality
Ever heard of a 4-H SPIN Club? A SPIN, which stands for SPecial INterest, is a 4-H group that meets for a short term, usually around six weeks. The group focuses on one educational aspect, or project. These projects could be traditional 4-H projects such as cooking, visual arts or woodworking. SPIN Clubs could also be created to share a volunteer’s passion with youngsters that doesn’t necessarily align with a traditional 4-H project. Examples of these more unique SPIN clubs would be glass blowing or a crime scene investigation.
SPIN Clubs are appealing to those families that are not familiar with the traditional 4-H model, and are not necessarily interested in devoting time to a year-long commitment. This different format is also appealing to volunteers teaching the SPIN clubs as they are not committed as long either.
A Robotics SPIN Club is going to be starting in the Wild West District – Liberal, on October 9th from 10:00-11:30 and will run for six weeks (not meeting on October 30th). Participants should be 2nd -3rd grade. Kids that are not currently enrolled in 4-H will be asked to fill out some short paperwork to become enrolled into the 4-H Robotics SPIN Club. Kids will be charged $10 to cover the cost of the legos. SPIN Robotics members will learn the basics of lego robotic coding and building.
If your child is interested in being a part of the Robotics SPIN Club or is interested in future SPIN Club opportunities, please email Kylee at kharrison@ksu.edu or call 620-624-5604. Volunteers for SPIN Clubs are also greatly appreciated!

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