My Five Senses | Early Childhood Health Lesson
By Alma Varela
Our little kids are natural explorers with curious minds. It is important for them to develop an understanding and awareness of their five senses. I have an activity that will help our pre-k – 2nd graders learn to identify their body parts and learn about the five senses while learning the importance of food choices and building a food vocabulary.
Let’s start by asking what are their favorite foods, there may be a variety of answers, but let’s think about the important nutrients we get from the foods we eat. They help us stay strong and grow, they give us energy to learn and play. After we have talked about the importance of food, let’s talk about the different types of food. Some foods are good for us and some are not.
To do the activity, place three different foods on a plate. Help them describe how each food looks, feels, and tastes. Use the following prompts;
We can use our five senses to explore a big variety of foods that we eat.
With our eyes, we can see what the food looks like.
With our nose, we can smell it.
With our ears, we can hear the sounds it makes when we eat it.
With our mouth, we can taste it.
Without hands, we can feel its texture.
This activity can be done with a new food or a favorite food that kids like. The point of this exercise is to encourage trying something new, even if they don’t like it in the end. Healthy habits begin at home with the help of family, so let us encourage healthy eating habits with this activity.