Wild West District Extension Blog

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Make Half Your Grains Whole Grains

Submitted by

Jane Eisenhauer

SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educator

Wild West Extension District


Make Half Your Grains Whole Grains

 What are grains?  Grains are divided into two subgroups, whole grains and refined grains.  Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel – the bran, germ and endosperm.  Any food made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley or another cereal grain is a grain product.  Bread, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, tortillas and grits are examples.  People who eat whole grains as part of a healthy diet have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases.

Here are a few tips to help you add more whole grains to your diet.

Make simple switches – To make half of your grains whole grains, replace a refined grain product with a whole grain product.  For example, eat 100% whole-wheat bread or bagels instead of white bread or bagels, or brown rice instead of white rice.

Mix it up with whole grains – Use whole grains in mixed dishes, such as barley in vegetable soups or stews and bulgur wheat in casseroles or stir-fries.  Try a quinoa salad or pilaf.

Try whole-wheat versions – For a change, try brown rice or whole-wheat pasta.  Try brown rice stuffing in baked green peppers or tomatoes, and whole-wheat macaroni in macaroni and cheese.

Bake up some whole-grain goodness – Experiment by substituting buckwheat, millet or oat flour for up to half of the flour in your favorite pancake or waffle recipes.

Know what to look for on the ingredients list – Read the ingredients list and choose products that name a whole-grain ingredient first on the list.  Look for “whole-wheat,” “brown rice,” “bulgur,” “buckwheat,” “oatmeal,” “Whole-grain cornmeal,” “whole oats,” or “whole rye.”

Be a smart shopper — The color of a food is not an indication that it is a whole-grain food.  Foods labeled as “multi-grain,” “stone-ground,” “100% wheat,” “cracked wheat,” “seven-grain,” or “bran” are usually not 100% whole-grain products, and may not contain any whole grain.

Whole grains can be healthy snacks – Popcorn, a whole-grain, can be a healthy snack.  Make it with little or no added salt or butter.  You might also try whole-wheat or rye crackers.

Be a good role model for children – Set a good example for children by serving and eating whole grains every day with meals or as snacks.





Brrrrrr! It’s Cold Outside!

Brrrrrrr! It’s Cold Outside!

By Judy Parsons

These past few days we have seen temperatures plummet to zero degrees and under. Now that’s very cold! If you are like me, I am not a fan of super cold weather. I’m more of a fair-weather gal. When it gets this cold, there are several precautions one needs to take to be safe in these bitter cold temperatures.

First of all, check the weather and the radar! You need to be aware of the temperature, wind chill and precipitation of your own location and any other location you are going traveling to. You should download your favorite weather app to your phone for quick reference. If the weather is dangerous, stay home if possible and delay your trip until the weather is better.

If you must travel, be sure your vehicle is ready for cold weather. Check your windshield wipers and make sure your wiper fluid container is full. Check all your vehicle fluids. Do not leave home if there is a chance that your battery will not start your car. Make sure your brakes, defroster, heater, and exhaust system are in good condition. When traveling, do not use your cruise control if the roads are even slightly slick or snow covered. Be sure you have a completely charged cell phone with chargers to take with you. It is always smart to have an emergency travel kit that includes a basic first aid kit, flashlight, batteries, shovel, kitty litter or sand, jumper cables, blankets, snacks such as jerky, nuts, granola and dried fruit and water. You will also need a good ice/snow scraper and a full tank of gas before starting out on your trip.

When going outside anytime in this bitter cold weather, be sure you are dressed warm. Wear layers of clothes with a waterproof outside layer. Do not forget to wear or pack extra little items such as gloves, hats, ear muffs and scarves. A heavy warm coat, moisture wicking socks and at least ankle high boots are a must to keep warm and dry.

Before starting out in bad weather, be sure you contact someone to let them know you are going to be traveling and what your destination is. That contact persons should be added to your emergency contact in your phone. Take your time because safely getting to your destination is always more important than arriving early. If you do get stranded, stay with your vehicle.

When dealing with bitter cold weather, stay home if possible. If you must travel, stay warm, dry and safe.

Handwashing- Why it is so important this time of year

Handwashing- Why it is so important this time of year

By: Kristin Penner

Wild West District Director


If you haven’t caught any illnesses being spread around this time of year, count yourself lucky.  You can more than likely contribute that to proper handwashing.  Good job.

Handwashing with soap and warm water is the BEST way to stay healthy.  Many illnesses are spread due to people not washing their hands.  Even though you can’t see them germs are everywhere and spread easily.

Germs spread from person to person and surface to people when:

  • You touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Prepare food and drinks with unwashed hands
  • Touch surfaces or objects others have touched with unwashed hands
  • Cough, blow your nose, sneeze into your hands, and then touch other people’s hands or surfaces.

When to wash your hands:

  • After coughing or blowing your hose
  • Before preparing foods
  • After using the restroom
  • Before and after caring for someone else who is sick

The proper way to wash

  1. Wet your hands with clean warm water
  2. Lather your hands with soap. Make sure to clean between your fingers, under your fingernails (lots of germs hide here), backs of your hands, and wrists.
  3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. If you sing the Happy Birthday song twice this will be long enough.
  4. Rinse with warm water. Making sure you get all the suds off from the soap.
  5. Dry your hand using a clean towel. Make sure you are changing your hand towels often.  These also hold germs and can be passed on.

If you find yourself in a situation where there could be germs and don’t have access to soap and water the next best alternative would be to use hand sanitizer.  Make sure it contains at least 60% alcohol to kill germs.

For more information visit:


K-State TAPS Programs– Taking on Agriculture’s Challenges

K-State TAPS Programs – Taking on Agriculture’s Challenges


By Pat Burt – Wild West District Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent

Photo Credit: Kelsey Stremel, Western Kansas Research-Extension Centers Communications and Marketing Specialist

Have you ever wanted to test a new agricultural technology or wanted to try to improve on a current practice on your farming operation? There are so many different technologies and conservation management practices right now, so where do you start? Have you ever considered entering the K-State TAPS competition? TAPS is the acronym for “Testing Ag Performance Solutions”. The goal of TAPS is to “foster understanding of how decision-making and management leads to productive, profitable, and conservation-oriented outcomes”. TAPS is a farm management competition that brings together farmers, researchers and industry exports to brainstorm and try their ideas. TAPS hopes to address some of  agriculture’s biggest challenges, including the decline of the Ogallala Aquifer.

Participants will have a test plot and they will be making decisions on when to plant, seed populations, hybrid selection, irrigation, nitrogen application, grain marketing, and crop insurance on the replicated test plots. The 2025 TAPS program will have test plots at Colby and Garden City. The results from the competition are scaled to represent 2,000-acre farms.

TAPS competitions begin in March of each year. This year, there will be three competitions. At Garden City, there will be a corn water utilization competition and at the Colby location there will be competitions in corn/forage sorghum water allocation and a grain sorghum competition. Cash awards are given to the top three in each category. If you are interested in learning more or signing up, contact Renee Tuttle at rstuttle@ksu.edu or (620) 805-9045. You can also get more information at: https://www.k-state.edu/taps/ .




Avian Influenza

Avian Influenza

By Jade Greene

4-H Youth Livestock Agent

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) or “bird flu” is a rapidly spreading viral disease that can infect many types of birds. The first case in a commercial flock in the United States was on February 8, 2022. The USDA reports that 1,464 flocks across the United States have been affected since the start of the outbreak. 677 of those were commercial flocks and 787 were backyard flocks. The number of affected birds has risen to 145.08 million and is expected to grow further.

Kansas has not had an infected poultry flock since spring 2024. There continues to be concern for the disease, as it appears to be spread during the migration of wild birds. Birds can shed influenza virus in their saliva, nasal secretions, and feces. Contact with an infected bird is not the only way to spread the disease. HPAI can also be transmitted through infected food or water.

The Kansas Department of Agriculture encourages poultry producers to take the following steps to help prevent HPAI.

  • Prevent contact with wild birds, especially wild waterfowl. Remove any potential nesting areas for wild birds.
  • Cover and enclose outdoor feeding areas, and cover stored feed.
  • Take all possible steps to separate wild birds from having any access to your flock or their living area.
  • Clean and disinfect any vehicle tires or equipment that has been on other farms or other locations where there is poultry or wild birds.
  • Wear clean clothing, boots and shoes when in contact with your flock.
  • Restrict unauthorized people and vehicles.
  • Isolate new birds.
  • Stay informed about the health of birds in your area.

Coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, and other signs of respiratory distress; lack of energy and appetite; decreased water consumption; decreased egg production and/or soft-shelled, misshapen eggs; incoordination; and diarrhea are symptoms to watch out for. Birds can also die without symptoms.

Be sure to contact your veterinarian or call KDA Division of Animal Health at 833-765-2006 with any suspected cases.

Walking for and Improved Life

Walking for an Improved Life

By: Summer Stafford, Family and Community Wellness agent

The history of fad and trending diets and exercise plans is a long and sorted one. Throughout our lives we’ve heard the new and upcoming attempts to cut calories, move more, and even medicate ourselves to fitness and health- strict calisthenics, low-fat/low sugar, carb conscious diets and more have fueled the fitness realm for years! But one thing remains the same…. Average people need an attainable plan to stay well. Some of you may be surprised (others not at all) that one simple exercise can not only jumpstart your wellness journey but bring on a multitude of long-lasting health benefits and that is walking! Yes, simply walking can actually lengthen your life expectancy and much more. Let’s learn….

The Benefits of Walking Daily

A 2021 study in JAMA Network Open found that people who walked at least 7,000 steps per day had a 50 to 70% lower risk of early death. Another study in 2023, by the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that 11 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, like brisk walking, per day could prevent one in ten premature deaths. The American Heart Association claims that across several studies that an increase of 1,000 steps taken daily by the studies’ participants was associated with a 22% lower chance of dying from all causes, the researchers calculated. That alone is worth a try at adding more steps to your daily routine, but there are even more benefits to walking, which include:

Burning calories

Strengthening the heart

Lowering blood sugar

Easing joint pain

Boosting immune function

Boosting energy

Improving mood

In the season of the New Year, new healthy beginnings are certainly upon us and the pressure to do something drastic with your health is high, but I would implore you to try walking for a simple, attainable way to improve your life! The benefits are clear and the ability to increase your steps, even just a little, is so simple to work into your daily life routine. Here are a few ways to increase your steps:

Plan walks: Schedule a daily walk with a friend or coworker!

Take the stairs: Use the stairs instead of the elevator.

Park farther away: Leave your car in a more distant parking spot.

Walk while waiting: Walk around instead of sitting while waiting for appointments or kids’ activities.

Walk and talk: Take phone calls while walking or have walking meetings with colleagues.

Do household chores: You can get steps in while doing chores around the house.

Try indoor walking workouts: You can try walking workouts at home.

Track your steps: Use a step counter or app to see how you’re progressing.

Set realistic goals: Start slowly and build up in small chunks.

Make it fun: Try to have fun while walking.

Find a cause: Pledge to walk a certain number of steps per day for a charity.

One awesome way to create some accountability is to start a fun challenge, like our Walk Kansas program through K-State Research and Extension Wild West District. The challenge will be starting up soon this spring and we encourage you to create a team or walk individually to increase your health and lengthen your lifespan! Watch our Facebook page for more information on the upcoming Walk Kansas program!

Choosing the Best Ice Melt Product

By Ron Honig, Horticulture Agent

January 22, 2025

Choosing the Best Ice Melt Product

Homeowners have several choices when selecting products to melt ice on steps and driveways, however ice melt products are not all equal in their effectiveness and safety to concrete and vegetation.

Winter in southwest Kansas is providing us with some much-needed moisture, but also challenging us to keep the snow and ice cleared off walkways. Following are university Extension recommendations and comparisons for ice melt products homeowners are most likely to encounter and purchase.

Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) is K-State’s Horticulture Department’s first pick to use as a de-icer due to its ability to work at extremely low temperatures and its gentleness on plants when used as directed. Calcium chloride has the lowest temperature threshold, working at melting ice down to minus 25 degrees F.

Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) is another good choice for melting ice around the exterior of the house and works down to 5 degrees F. It is generally safe for pets and is recommended by university experts over potassium chloride and sodium chloride.

Potassium Chloride (KCl) is generally only effective melting ice down to 20 degrees F. It does not cause as much damage to concrete as magnesium chloride but can cause plant injury if overapplied. Potassium chloride is corrosive to metal and is sometimes found mixed with rock salt to lower the product cost and improve the ice melting performance.

 Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is commonly known as rock salt and is only effective at melting ice when temperatures are 12 degrees or higher. It is commonly available and the least expensive of the popular ice melting products.

Sodium chloride is well documented for causing damage to unsealed forms of concrete and may damage adjacent vegetation such as turf grass or shrubs beside steps and walkways if excessive amounts are used and allowed to wash off walkways into lawns and flowerbeds.

Sodium chloride is generally not recommended for use on porous concrete and in areas where runoff will affect vegetation. It is commonly used as a product of last resort by homeowners due to its downfalls, however it is an affordable product often used for the de-icing of roadways.

Former K-State Climatologist Mary Knapp wrote a news release in 2017 explaining that chloride, which is an ingredient in all of these products, has the potential for creating problems in the environment. The calcium chloride and magnesium chloride tend not to release as much chloride as the sodium chloride and potassium chloride do, thus not being as potentially toxic as the others, according to Knapp.

Urea is a common fertilizer used in lawns and flower beds. It has some helpful applications as an ice melt product, showing effectiveness down to 15 degrees F. Moderate use next to plants is not a problem, however over application and the washing of the nitrogen into adjoining vegetation can lead to burning of turf grass leaves or plants.

Calcium Magnesium Acetate is a relatively newer product that does not contain chloride and has properties similar to that of vinegar. It is considered relatively safe on vegetation. The chemicals work together to prevent snow particles from sticking together or to the surface. Calcium magnesium acetate is only effective at melting ice down to 20 degrees F.


Shoppers just need to look at the product labels to see which ingredients are being used. In several commercial ice melt products, a blend of these products is used.

Organic Products

Some natural products such as wood chips, ash, sand, bird seed, cat litter, and sunflower seeds have been promoted for use on ice. These items aren’t normally effective at melting ice, but can help provide traction on slippery surfaces and would be safe for surrounding vegetation.

Whenever possible, remove as much snow and ice as you can physically first before applying a de-icing product.

Be Active as a Family

Jane Eisenhauer

SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educator

Wild West Extension District


Be Active as a Family

The holidays are now behind us and we are starting a new year, so it’s time to make some New Year’s resolutions!!  Many of us make resolutions that we are not able to stick to throughout the year.  One resolution that is easier to stick to than others would be to become more physically active, either more physical activity for yourself or becoming more physically active as a family.

Physical activity is important for children and adults of all ages.  Being active as a family can benefit everyone.  Many of us use the excuse that we don’t have time with our busy schedules for physical activity.  Adults only need 2 ½ hours of physical activity per week and children need 60 minutes of physical activity per day. Many of your children get their 60 minutes of physical everyday at school.  For adults, this does not mean that you have to go to the gym and workout or do strenuous activity, it just means that you need to be up moving around.  Also, you can break the time down into 30-minute increments throughout the day.

The following tips make it easy to add more physical activity to your family’s busy schedule.

Set specific activity times – Determine time slots throughout the week when the whole family is available.  Try doing something active after dinner or begin the weekend with a Saturday morning walk.  Maybe write your activity plans on a family calendar.  Let the kids help in planning to make it more fun for the whole family.

Include work around the house — Involve the kids in yard work and other active chores around the house.  Have them help with raking, weeding, and planting.

Use what is available – Plan activities that require little or no equipment or facilities.  Examples include walking, jogging, humping rope, playing tag and dancing.  Find out what programs your community recreation center offers for free or minimal charge.

Plan for all weather conditions – Choose activities that do not depend on the weather conditions. Try mall walking, indoor swimming, or active video games.  Enjoy outdoor activities as a bonus whenever the weather is nice.

Turn off the TV – Set a rule that no one can spend longer than 2 hours per day playing video games, watching TV and using the computer (except for school work).  Instead of a TV show, play an active family game, dance to favorite music or go for a walk.

Include other families – Invite others to join your family activities.  This is a great way for you and your kids to spend time with friends while being physically active.  Plan parties with active games such as bowling or an obstacle course, sign up for family programs at your recreational center.

Cookie Time

Cookie Time

By Nancy Honig

Adult Development and Aging Agent

Wild West District

I’ve just finished up my fifth program on Cookie Basics and received lots of comments from people regarding things they had been doing wrong for years when baking cookies but didn’t know it. I will share a couple of highlights from the program. If you want a booklet with some of the recipes I made and shared and more written information stop by the Wild West District Extension Office in Hugoton between 9-12p.m. or 1-5 p.m.

Cookies are made primarily with butter, margarine or shortening. Fats play a major role in the spread of a cookie – whether a cookie keeps its shape or flattens in the oven. Shortening and margarine are stable, and will help cookies keep their original unbaked shapes.  Shortening also melts at a higher temperature than butter, so it remains solid longer giving the batter time to rise and set before it spreads.

Butter melts at a much lower temperature than other solid fats — it melts at body temperature, resulting in a “melt-in-your-mouth” burst of flavor. Cookies made with butter tend to spread out. The amount of fat also affects the cookies: in general, more fat equals flat, crispy cookies while less fat equals puffier, cake-like cookies. Be aware that whipped spreads are not suitable for baking.

How the fat is incorporated, or creamed, also makes a difference. A lot of recipes call for creaming the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy. Why bother? If you use cold butter together with the sugar, the tiny sharp sugar crystals actually cut into the butter, creating very, very small bubbles, and those bubbles will make it easier for other ingredients to integrate into the batter.  If the butter is melted or too soft, it tends to separate, and not incorporate as well. Cream the sugar and fat together at a relatively high speed until they are light and fluffy, then reduce the mixer speed and slowly and completely incorporate the eggs and any other liquid, then finish by adding the dry ingredients a little at a time, scraping the sides of the bowl as you go.

Add dry ingredients slowly. It is best to do this in three installments. Flour absorbs moisture, relatively slowly. If you work in about 3 batches, you’re going to allow time for the batter to actually form.

Like fats, sugars liquefy in the oven. The type and amount of sugar used plays a big role in cookie performance. White sugar makes a crisper cookie than brown sugar or honey. If you lower the amount of sugar called for in a cookie recipe, the final baked cookie will be puffier than its high-sugar version.

The darker the sugar you use, the chewier the cookies are going to be, because brown sugar is coated in molasses.  Molasses is the liquid that remains after sugar crystals have been extracted from concentrated cane juice. Molasses loves moisture. Cookies made from brown sugar will continue to absorb moisture from the air after baking, helping to ensure that they stay chewy. Increasing the ratio of brown to white sugar also creates a more tender cookie.

For best quality only use pure vanilla extract which is produced by macerating chopped beans in a solution of alcohol and water. In the U.S. real vanilla extract must contain 35% alcohol and 13.35 ounces of beans per gallon. Imitation extract is made from wood and other stuff. Vanilla flavoring, is a combination of imitation and pure extracts.  When using Mexican vanillas be aware that some come from tonka bean extract. Tonka bean extract, contains coumarin and is a major component of artificial vanilla flavorings in Mexico. Coumarin, a chemical that’s been banned by the FDA as a food additive. Coumarin is a blood thinner that can cause liver damage and is related to warfarin, which is found in some blood thinners. Eating foods with coumarin can increase the risk of bleeding for people taking blood thinners.

Look for Mexican vanilla with vanilla bean listed in its ingredients. You can also check the price, as cheaper vanilla might not be authentic. Imitation vanilla is often labeled in Spanish, while FDA-regulated products have labels in English

Here is a tip for making your own vanilla. But a word of caution: it takes about six months before you can use it. Buy a bottle of vodka. Take 3-4 vanilla beans, split them down the middle and place inside the bottle. Store in a dark, cool, dry place for 6 months. You will have delicious vanilla to use for baking.

The holidays are here! Time to get baking!

Practical Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

Practical Tips for a Healthy Holiday Season

By Judy Parsons- 4-H Youth Development Agent


The Holidays often lead us into a time of stress. We tend to increase our busyness and stress during this time of the year with programs, parties, gatherings and more.


Here are some tips to avoid the Holiday Stress Trap:

  • Avoid setting weight-loss goals, instead try to maintain your current weight
  • Cherish fellowship with family and friends – Celebrate the season!
  • Enjoy holiday treats in moderation
  • Nourish your body by balancing holiday treats with protein, healthy fats and fiber-rich carbs (See recipes below)
  • Be present, not perfect – Family connection matters more than perfect planning
  • Keep moving and stay hydrated – Go for a walk with the family and drink plenty of water
  • Prioritize rest – even with late nights, be sure to get plenty of sleep.


From everyone at K-State Research and Extension, we wish you a Blessed Christmas and a very Prosperous New Year!

Balsamic Roast Beef

This easy, flavorful Balsamic Roast Beef is perfect for a healthy holiday feast. It’s rich in flavor, tender, and packed with protein. Serve it alongside your favorite veggies or a wholesome side dish for a meal that satisfies without the guilt.


  • 3–4 lb grass-fed beef roast (chuck roast or round works well)
  • 4 carrots cut into large pieces
  • 3 sweet potatoes cut into large pieces
  • 1 sweet onion sliced
  • 1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 tsp dried rosemary (or fresh, if you have it!)
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 1 1/2 cup beef stock
  • Optional ¾ cup red wine


Prep the Roast: Season the roast with salt and pepper. Sear on both sides in a skillet with butter

Place the Roast in a Slow Cooker with all ingredients other than the carrots and potatoes

Place the meat in the slow cooker and layer the onion, minced garlic, balsamic vinegar, beef stock, bay leaves, rosemary sprigs, and red wine (if desired) on top.
Slow Cooker Option: Cover the slow cooker and set it to low. Cook for about 6 hours. Then, add the carrots and sweet potatoes, turn the heat to high, and continue cooking for another 3 hours or until the vegetables are tender and the meat is fork-tender.
Oven-Roasting Option: Preheat your oven to 325°F (165°C). Place the meat and all the ingredients (except the carrots and sweet potatoes) in a Dutch oven or a roasting pan with a tight-fitting lid. Cover and roast for 2.5 to 3 hours. Add the carrots and sweet potatoes, cover again, and roast for another 1 to 1.5 hours, until everything is tender.

  • For both methods, remove and discard the bay leaves and rosemary sprigs.
  • Transfer the cooking liquid to a saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium-high heat.
  • Let it simmer until it thickens to your desired consistency.
  • Pour the sauce back over the meat and vegetables before serving, or serve it on the side.

Almond Butter Blossoms (Healthier Holiday Cookies)


  • 1 cup almond butter
  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1/4 cup honey or maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 cup almonds or dark chocolate chips or large dark chocolate kisses


  1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C).
  2. In a bowl, mix almond butter, oats, honey (or maple syrup), vanilla, baking soda, and sea salt until combined.
  3. Scoop the dough into tablespoon-sized balls and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. Use your thumb to make a small indentation in the center of each cookie.
  5. Bake for 8–10 minutes, or until the edges are golden.
  6. Immediately after baking, press an almond, dark chocolate chips, or dark chocolate kisses, into the center of each cookie. Cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack.

These cookies are a healthier, nutrient-packed version of the classic holiday treat, perfect for sharing with family and friends!

Changes to Pesticide Private Applicator Certification in 2025

Changes to Pesticide Private Applicator Certification in 2025

By Pat Burt – Wild West District Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent

There will be changes as to how individuals will go about obtaining or renewing their pesticide private applicator licenses in Kansas. The Environmental Protection Agency required each state to update their certification and training plans. These plans outline the private and commercial pesticide certification in each state. In order to meet these requirements, the Kansas Department of Agriculture introduced House Bill 2607, which has been approved by the legislature that make some changes to the current private applicator certification. House Bill 2607 can be found here: https://kslegislature.gov/li/b2023_24/measures/documents/hb2607_enrolled.pdf .

Starting January 1, 2025, there will be 3 options for private applicators to receive certification:

  1. Closed book examination (still offered at extension offices, but there will be some new rules)
  2. Attend an in-person training to obtain certification
  3. Complete online training hosted in CanvasPro (6 modules each with review and activities to complete)

I do not know where the in-person training will occur or other aspects of the implementation of the changes but training materials are in development to train agents on the changes hopefully soon. I wanted to let private applicators be aware that changes were coming and when. If you have been holding off on getting or renewing your private applicator certification in Kansas, you might want to do so before the end of this year. Private applicator certifications expire on the individual’s birthday in the 5th calendar year after it is issued. Currently, you can take your private applicator tests at any extension office. The fee is $25 and the test is open book, however, the test will take about 2 to 3 hours and you should study the manual prior to the test. Manuals can be borrowed or purchased at extension offices and can also be found online and downloaded at:

https://bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/private-pesticide-applicator-manual_MF531.pdf . If you plan to take the test at one of our offices, please call ahead to schedule a time.

GeneSight Psychotropic Testing

Genesight Testing: Utilizing DNA for Medication Choice 

By: Summer Stafford, Community Wellness agent  

Over 17 million adults and children in the U.S. are medicated for anxiety, ADHD, and other depressive disorders. Choosing the right medications can be a long and difficult process that often leads to many dead-ends and unused medications that didn’t quite work. But there are better ways of walking this path and helping you or your loved one get the right medication that fits their needs best and gives them the least adverse reactions. When my child was diagnosed with ADHD and needed medication, we didn’t know where to start and had to utilize a basic “trial-and-error” system that led us to try multiple medications that did not work and gave terrible side effects. A few years into the arduous process we were introduced to the GeneSight test by our new Nurse Practitioner, and it changed everything we knew about searching for the right and best medication. We found through the test report that medications that had not worked in the past were not genetically compatible for our child and were able to see a comprehensive list of medications that were better suited for the genetic needs of our child. It was a life-altering tool in the best way possible!  

GeneSight Psychotropic Testing 

GeneSight testing is a fantastic new option for those seeking the right intervention medication to help live a full and productive life. This psychotropic test is a genetic test that analyzes how a person’s DNA may affect their response to certain medications and how well (or not) their body will metabolize those medication choices. It is a simple cheek swab that is sent to GeneSight labs for analysis. Thereafter you will receive a report with a comprehensive list of common medications used to treat anxiety, depression, ADHD and several other disorders. The report shows the medications and gives a graphic of whether each drug is to be used as directed, has a moderate gene-drug interaction, or a significant gene-drug interaction.  

The Facts about GeneSight Testing 

The test can help doctors:  

  • Select the right medication for a patient  
  • Avoid medications that may cause side effects  
  • Personalize a patient’s treatment plan 

The test may reveal which medications to treat depression, anxiety, ADHD, and other mental health conditions that: 

  • Require dose adjustments 
  • Be less likely to work 
  • Have an increased risk of side effects based on your DNA 


How it’s done 

A healthcare provider or nurse practitioner orders the test, which involves taking a cheek swab. The sample can be taken in the provider’s office or at home using a patient collection kit. (GeneSight Website) 

How long it takes 

Test results are typically available on the GeneSight portal within two days of the lab receiving the sample. (GeneSight Website) 


The cost of the test can vary depending on insurance coverage, but it can be expensive. There are also payment plans and financial aid opportunities available. (GeneSight Website) 


There is no doubt that this new, comprehensive information can ease the stress of choosing the correct medication and giving people more of their time back. We all know many people with anxiety, depression, ADHD and more, that struggle with severe negative side-effects of daily medications they need to live fully. This testing technology can help understand the risks of taking certain medications that may or may not meet their needs on a genetic level, helping them choose the right medicine much faster and feeling fewer negative side-effects and decreasing the risk of having to try a new medication due to medication failure.  

For more comprehensive information on GeneSight testing visit https://genesight.com/ 

Salt and Sodium

Submitted by

Jane Eisenhauer

SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educator

Wild West Extension District


Salt and Sodium

Please pass the Salt!!  That little gesture has been heard around dinner tables for years. It’s clear that Americans have a taste for salt, but salt plays a role in high blood pressure.  Everyone, including kids, should reduce their sodium intake to lee than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day, which is about 1 teaspoon of salt.  Adults age 51 and older, African Americans of any age, and individuals with high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic kidney disease should further reduce their sodium intake to 1,500 milligrams per day.

Try using these tips to avoid using to much salt.

Think Fresh – Most of the sodium Americans eat is found in processed foods.  Try eating highly processed foods less often and in smaller portions.  Some of these foods are cured meats – such as bacon, sausage, hot dogs and deli/luncheon meats and ready-to-eat foods like canned chili, ravioli and soups.  Fresh foods are generally lower in sodium and are much healthier.

Enjoy Home Cooked Foods – Cook more often at home – where you are in control of what is in your food.  Preparing your own foods allows you to limit the amount of salt in them.

Fill up on Fruits and Veggies  –  Try eating fruits and vegetables at every meal, whether fresh or frozen, as they naturally low in sodium.  Fruits and vegetable also make excellent snacks, you just have to wash them, pop them in your mouth and go!

Adjust Your Taste Buds – Cut back on salt little by little and pay attention to the natural tastes of various foods.  Your taste for salt will lessen over time.

Skip the Salt – Skip adding salt when cooking.  Also, keep the salt shaker off the kitchen counter and dinner table.  Use spices, herbs, garlic, vinegar, or lemon juice to season foods or use no-salt seasoning mixes.  Black or red pepper, basil, curry, ginger or rosemary are also good substitutes for salt.

Read the Label – Make sure and read the Nutrition Facts label and the ingredients statement to find packaged and canned foods lower in sodium.  Look for foods labeled “low sodium,” reduced sodium,” or “no salt added.”

Pay Attention to Condiments – Foods like soy sauce, ketchup, pickles, olives, salad dressings and seasoning packets are high in sodium.  When choosing soy sauce and ketchup, choose low-sodium.  Have a carrot or celery stick instead of olives or pickles.  Use only a sprinkling of flavoring packets instead of the entire packet.

Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

By Judy Parsons

4-H Youth Development Agent


The holidays are just around the corner. This is a time for family gatherings, parties with friends and fun times together. It can also be a time of stress for many. Does your life seem more like “Christmas Vacation” than “It’s a Wonderful Life”? The holiday season brings about nostalgia and emotions hidden in our lives.

Although there are some perfect families in our communities, there are more not so perfect families that we don’t even know about living among us. As families are divided by miles and new lives, traditions are harder to keep. Life is changing from the traditions the older generations have always known and loved.

Change is hard and it takes extra effort to create new traditions that fit the new family dynamic. Here are some ideas to start some new traditions and celebrate the holidays:

  • Try some new recipes and bake with friends/family – Share your goodies with others
  • Go to Fall Festivals or Pumpkin Patches and invite friends
  • Take a single friend or elderly friends to an event or movie
  • Attend community Christmas Concerts
  • Start new traditions with family (Christmas doesn’t have to be celebrated on December 25th) – Be creative!
  • Go caroling
  • Read a Christmas book
  • Attend Christmas Eve service – Invite a friend
  • Have a holiday party – Keep it simple – Bring favorite holiday foods
  • Go to a Christmas Movie – even on Christmas Day😊

The holidays are a good time to get creative and have fun. Get out a journal as this is a good time to reflect on all the blessings and fun you have had throughout the year.  It is also good to reflect on want you want for the future year – changes, goals, events to attend, activities to do and things to look forward to.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are where your heart is. Celebrate all your blessings and the great things you have yet to accomplish. Have fun this holiday season with family, friends and even some new friends. Don’t stress that it’s not perfect. It will be what you make it.

Pumpkins are not just for carving

Pumpkins are not just for carving

By Kristin Penner

Most people associate pumpkins with Halloween decorations, but they have many more benefits. We often think of pumpkins as vegetables, but actually, they are fruits! Every part of the pumpkin is edible, including the skin, leaves, flowers, and stem. Even though all pumpkins are edible, stick to small sugar pumpkins for pies and soups.
Here are some fun facts about pumpkins.

  • Pumpkins are grown primarily for processing with a small percentage grown for ornamental sales.
  • Morton, Illinois, is the “Pumpkin Capital of the World.” Morton is home to Libby’s, which produces 85% of the world’s canned pumpkin.
  • Pumpkins are members of the vine crops family called cucurbits
  • Pumpkins range in size from less than a pound to over 1,000 pounds
  • Each pumpkin has around 500 seeds.
  • Loaded with Vitamin A
  • Low in Calories

Selecting a Pumpkin

  • Look for a pumpkin with 1 to 2 inches of stem left.
    • If the stem is cut down too low the pumpkin will decay quickly or may be decaying at the time of purchase.
  • Avoid pumpkins with blemishes and soft spots.
  • It should be heavy, shape is unimportant.
  • Figure one pound of raw, untrimmed pumpkin for each cup of finished pumpkin puree.

Cooking the Pumpkin

Boiling/Steaming Method: Cut the pumpkin into rather large chunks. Rinse in cold water. Place pieces in a large pot with about a cup of water. The water does not need to cover the pumpkin pieces. Cover the pot and boil for 20 to 30 minutes or until tender, or steam for 10 to 12 minutes.

Oven Method: Cut the pumpkin in half, scraping away the stringy mass and seeds. Rinse under cold water. Place pumpkin, cut side down on a large cookie sheet. Bake at 350°F for one hour or until fork tender.

Microwave Method: Cut the pumpkin in half, and place cut side down on a microwave safe plate or tray. Microwave on high for 15 minutes, check for doneness. If necessary continue cooking at 1-2 minute intervals until fork tender.

Preparing the Puree

When the pumpkin is cool enough to handle, remove the peel using a small sharp knife and your fingers. Put the peeled pumpkin in a food processor and puree or use a food mill, ricer, strainer, or potato masher to form a puree.

Pumpkin puree freezes well. To freeze, measure cooled puree into one-cup portions, place in ridged freezer containers, leaving 1/2-inch headspace or pack into zip closure bags. Label, date and freeze at 0°F for up to one year.

Use this puree in recipes or substitute in the same amount in any recipe calling for solid pack canned pumpkin.


Pumpkin Nutrition Facts
(1 cup cooked, boiled, drained, without salt)

Calories 30


% Daily Value*

Total fat 0.1 g 0%
Saturated fat 0.1 g 0%
Polyunsaturated fat 0 g
Monounsaturated fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Sodium 1 mg 0%
Potassium 394 mg 11%
Total Carbohydrate 8 g 2%
Dietary fiber 0.6 g 2%
Sugar 3.2 g
Protein 1.2 g 2%
Vitamin A 197% Vitamin C 17%
Calcium 2% Iron 4%
Vitamin B-6 5% Vitamin B-12 0%
Magnesium 3%


Even though pumpkins are the symbol of Halloween and Fall, don’t overlook them as a source of good nutrition.

Some Things to Have on Your Fall Checklist

Some Things to Have on Your Fall Checklist


By Pat Burt – Wild West District Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent

Some things that I am thinking about as we have entered fall are: being proactive in weed management for next year, making sure that our forages are safe for our livestock, and the expected La Nina weather system. K-State has some information that I think could be helpful for farmers and ranchers to think about at this time of year on these subjects.

Weed management practices: Fall scouting and equipment cleaning:


Test forages to prevent nitrate and prussic acid poisoning:


For forage sampling analysis testing as well as water and soil sampling, if you prefer to use Servi-Tech Laboratories in Dodge City for analysis, our Liberal and Sublette offices are weekly pickup points and in Hugoton the weekly pickup is at Skyland Grain. You can contact any of our Wild West extension offices for details.

La Nina:

K-State meteorologist Chip Redmond is forecasting the we will be in a La Nina weather pattern until probably through January 2025. What that means for our area is that we are predicted to be warmer than normal and with lower than normal chances of precipitation. Entering February through March, odds are that we will be entering a neutral pattern.

Our K-State meteorologists would love your help on collecting drought pictures or other weather occurrences (such as flooding) that you notice. It is great if you have succession of time photos. Here is the link to contact them:

No animals? No Problem! Come find your spark with 4-H!

No animals? No Problem! Come find your spark with 4-H!

By: Jade Green- 4-H Youth Development Livestock Agent


With guidance from a caring adult, Kansas 4-H provides a safe environment for youth to explore their interests and passions- their sparks in life! Through our unique partnership with Kansas State University, we are able to provide opportunities for all youth, ages 5-18, including urban neighborhoods, suburban schoolyards, and rural communities. No matter your budget, schedule, or passion, there is a 4-H program for you! Projects range from arts/crafts, cooking, photography, to woodworking, robotics, shooting sports, and livestock. If you have a passion for something, there is a place for you in 4-H!

4-H helps teach youth responsibility, builds self-confidence, gives the youth the opportunity to give back to their community, and develops friendships that can last a lifetime. There are a number of important qualities that 4-Hers accumulate throughout the years in the program. Our youth work with peers to accomplish goals. Individuals will receive feedback from project leaders and judges that will help to develop their skills.

The new 4-H year starts October 1st. Youth may enroll in 4-H at any time. Clubs are open to all young people between the ages of 7-18. The 4-H Cloverbuds is an educational, youth development opportunity specifically for 5 and 6 year old children. All ages are based on “4-H Age” meaning the youth has reached this age by January 1st of the current year.

Discover your spark with 4-H today by browsing our website: https://wildwest.k-state.edu/, checking out our Facebook page: Wild West District – K-State Research & Extension or by calling your local Extension Office!

Cutting Back on your Kid’s Sweet Treats

Submitted by

Jane Eisenhauer

SNAP-Ed Nutrition Educator

Wild West Extension District


Cutting Back on your Kid’s Sweet Treats

 With school back in session many parents are probably hearing “I Want a Snack” as soon as their kids get home from school!  Having an afterschool snack is great, as long as you limit the amount of foods and beverages with added sugars that you are allowing your kids to eat and drink.  The saying goes “if you don’t buy them, your kids won’t get them”.  Sweet treats and sugary drinks have a lot of calories, but few nutrients.  Most added sugars come from sodas, sports drinks, energy drinks, cakes, cookies, ice cream, candy and other desserts.

Here are a few tips for making snacks healthier.

Serve small portions – It’s not necessary to get rid of all sweets and desserts, just show kids that a small amount can go a long way.  Use smaller bowls and plates for these foods.  Have them share a candy bar or split a large cupcake.

Sip Smarter – Soda and other sweet drinks contain a lot of sugar and are high in calories.  Offer water, 100% juice or fat-free milk when kids are thirsty.

Choose not to offer sweets as a reward – By offering food as a reward for good behavior, children learn to think that some foods are better than other foods.  Reward your child with kind words and comforting hugs, or give them non-food items, like stickers, to make them feel special.

Make food fun – Sugary foods that are marketed to kids are advertised as “fun foods.”  Make nutritious foods fun by preparing them with your child’s help and being creative together.  For example: Create a smiley face with sliced bananas and raisins on a slice of bread with peanut butter. Use a tortilla, put a thin layer of ranch dressing and use vegetables to create something silly.  Or you can let the kids cut fruit into fun and easy shapes with cookie cutters.

Encourage kids to invent new snacks – Make your own snack mixes using dry whole-grain cereal, dried fruit, and unsalted nuts or seeds.  Provide the ingredients and let your kids choose what they want in their “new” snacks.

Make treats “treats” not everyday foods – Treats are great once in a while.  Just don’t make treat foods an everyday thing.  Limit sweet treats to special occasions.  Keep in mind that candy and cookies should not replace foods that are not eaten at meal time.

Tea Time

Tea Time

By: Nancy Honig

Wild West District Adult Development and Aging Agent


Like many of you I am looking at the calendar and wondering where the summer has gone and how we can be looking at September already! With the move towards fall it is time to move towards some upcoming Family and Consumer Sciences programming from our office.

Starting right away in September will be “Exploring the World of Tea”. This program will be offered on the following dates and times: September 3rd 6:00 pm Stevens Co Library, September 9th 6:30 pm Dudley Township Library Satanta, September 12th 6:00 pm Liberal Memorial Library, September 18th 6:00 pm Kismet Public Library, and September 19th Haskell Township Library Sublette.

If you are a fan of tea, or if you just want to learn more about tea this is a great opportunity. Being able to taste and compare a wide variety at once is a good way to understand what flavors it is that you enjoy the most. Tea is an aromatic beverage that is prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured or fresh leaves of Camellia sinensis, and evergreen shrub native to East Asia. Aside from water, tea is the world’s most widely consumed beverage.

We will explore the five primary types of tea including white, green, black, oolong and dark tea. Here is a little bit of information to “wet” your tastebuds to encourage you to come and learn more!

White tea is essentially unprocessed tea and is typically the newest growth on the tea bush. White tea does not have to be drunk fresh. It can actually can be aged and is sometimes pressed into bricks for aging in China.

Green tea is not oxidized during the rolling process because the leaves are pan-fired or steamed to preserve their fresh character. It does not age as well over time so it does need to be consumed within a year. There is also Japan’s powdered green tea matcha that has become very popular not only drunk with steamed water or milk, but it has also been added to a wide variety of baked goods in recent years.

Black tea is typically richer, fuller and more robust in flavor than other teas. It is the type that works well with milk and sugar and is the most popular bases for iced teas.

Oolong tea level of oxidation is midway between black and green. The flavors are very different based on where the tea comes from and how it has been treated. The brewing style for Oolong needs to match the specific type as well.

Dark tea or Pu’erh tea is an aged and fermented tea. The tea leave if larger and they are processed like green tea (picked, wither and pan fired) but then they are packed into small cakes and allowed to sit and age. True Pu’erh is aged 20-25 years but there are methods to “speed up” the fermentation process.

If you are interested in learning more about teas, plan to attend one of the programs in the Wild West District. Also, check out our Wild West District Facebook page for other programs coming this fall and winter including, making pasta from scratch, cookie baking 101, and using assistive devices around the home.-

The County Fair is…

The County Fair is…

By Judy Parsons, 4-H Youth Development Agent


The county fair season is done and everyone is in back-to-school mode. What a crazy time of year. Everyone chasing those Grand Champion buckles and ribbons.

Awards, awards, awards! Is that what the fair is all about? No, 4-H is more than ribbons and awards. Here are a few things that 4-H is about.


It’s about:

  • The People – the County Fair is about meeting up and spending time with our friends and neighbors. We come together to eat and have fun. It is play time for youth and adults alike. It is a summer celebration party for everyone to enjoy.
  • The Experiences – the County Fair provides all types of learning experiences. There are hands-on experiences. During consultation judging, youth receive valuable tips to improve their work. Youth also experience the end to projects at livestock sales only to start looking for their next year’s project. The fair is a place to exchange ideas and new information.
  • The Memories – Youth bonding together while cleaning pens, sharing funnel cakes, participating in Barnyard Olympic games, taking photos and goofing off between events. These are the memories that will always be remembered.
  • The Smiles – Nothing is more rewarding than seeing a great big smile when a youth wins that first showmanship contest or gets all the correct leads in a western pleasure class for the first time. 4-Hers do a lot of smiling when they cheer on their 4-H friends during competitions. Sportsmanship smiles are precious.
  • The Role Models – The County Fair is time when older youth can be role models for younger youth. How many first time 4-Hers find an older youth they want to be just like when they grow up?


The County Fair is also a time for youth to give back to their community. So many people, organizations and businesses sponsor awards, buy livestock, run contests, judge exhibits and do much more. Youth learn to give back to these sponsors by writing thank you notes, baking yummy treats, making gift baskets and other special recognitions. Someday they will be the ones running the county fairs.


The County Fair is all about “Making the Best Better!”

Planning a Fall Garden

Wild West District Blog Article

By Ron Honig

July 24, 2024


Planning a Fall Garden 

Even though your kitchen counter may be starting to get cluttered with produce from this summer’s garden, it’s time to begin planning and planting a fall garden if you want to extend and expand your harvest into the fall or grow another round of cool-season vegetables.

With attention to watering and pest control, summer gardens with crops like tomatoes, okra and peppers can produce well into the fall.  Crops that are best adapted to a fall garden culture are mainly the cool-season crops, although cucumbers, summer squash, and beans can be grown as fall crops as well.  Ward Upham, retired horticultural specialist at K-State says fall gardens will often produce higher quality, more-tasty cool-season crops if the vegetables mature during cooler, less stressful temperatures.

For fall gardens, a guideline of when to plant common crops includes:

  • Mid-July: Plant potatoes if you can find them, or if you saved seed potatoes. Do not use freshly dug potatoes because they have a built-in dormancy that will prevent growth. Also, Upham says grocery store potatoes are often treated so that they don’t sprout.
    Cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower can be started from seed at this time. These crops are generally transplanted in mid-August.
  • Late July. Plant seed beets, carrots and beans.
  • Late July to early August. Plant seed spinach and long-season maturing lettuce.
  • Second week of August. Transplant cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower to their final location.
  • Mid- to late August. Plant seed radishes and leaf lettuce.

Upham said gardeners should plant seeds slightly deeper than they would have in the spring because the seed stays cooler and the soil around the seed remains moist longer. In addition, seeds should be planted at a higher population and then thinned out later.

Naturally with high temperatures, gardeners should plan to water more frequently; seeds should not be allowed to dry.  Overhead watering often causes soil to crust, making it more difficult for young plants to emerge. Prevent this by applying a light sprinkling of peat moss, vermiculite or compost directly over the row after seeding and also by using a soaker hose or drip irrigation right next to the row to allow water to slowly seep into the ground.

Upham said there is no need to fertilize the ground before planting crops. He suggests applying a side dressing two weeks after transplanting crops, or four weeks after sowing seed by applying two tablespoons of 16-0-0 fertilizer, or one tablespoon of 27-3-3 or similar fertilizer formulation per plant.  You can also use a liquid fertilizer, such as Schultz, Peters, Miracle-Gro or Rapid Grow, according to label directions but it’s a good idea to wash off the leaves with clean water to prevent any burn from the fertilizer.

One plant that is not well adapted to fall gardens is peas.  Upham says peas require cool temperatures to germinate and do not seem to perform well in the warmer temperatures of the summer planting period.  If you want to try peas – particularly snow peas – Upham recommends planting them in mid- to late-August but success may be limited.



By Nancy Honig- Adult development and aging agent

Lemons aren’t something you just pick up and eat, but lemon added to so many different dishes really make them sing! A squeeze of lemon over fresh fish, a wedge of lemon in tea, fresh grated lemon zest in cookies. No matter how you squeeze it, lemons are an important ingredient.

Although they do provide a bit a nutrition mostly in the form of vitamin C, it begins to lose its vitamin power shortly after it is squeezed. There is a 20% loss of vitamin C after only 8 hours at room temperature or 24 hours in the refrigerator.

The Eureka lemon variety is one of the two main types of lemons sold in grocery stores. The Lisbon ranks as the other type of lemon typically sold in grocery stores. When it comes to Lisbon lemons vs. Eureka lemons, the Lisbon has thinner, smoother skin and a more prominent pointed end. Eureka lemons can be distinguished by having a neck beneath the stem and a rougher texture. These two varieties are very similar in flavor and acidity. Meyer lemon is likely a hybrid between a regular lemon and a mandarin, and has a subtly sweet, less acidic taste. Meyer lemons have a rounder form, thinner peels, and more of a yellow-orange hue than a true yellow. This is considered the sweetest lemon variety of the bunch.

If you are purchasing lemons they should be firm, glossy and bright and beautiful enough to look like an ornament in your kitchen. There should be no green on it, that indicates it is underipe.

You can store them in a basket on your counter for about two weeks. This is also helpful when you want to go and use them as they are easiest to juice when they are room temperature. Rolling the fruit till it softens a little will also help it juice out easier. It is quick and easy to juice by cutting in half and squeezing between you hand to catch the seeds. A large lemon will yield 3-4 tablespoons of juice and 2-3 teaspoons of zest.

When zesting your lemons be sure and avoid getting any of the bitter white pith. It is ideal to use a micro-plane for the best zesting. Zest is an excellent way to impart extra flavor into baked goods, marinades and salad dressings. The acid in lemon juice can also be used to help prevent fruits from browning. One of my favorite uses for lemon zest is in gremolata to use over grilled meat or fish.


6 Tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley

2 Tablespoons chopped fresh thyme

2 Tablespoons grated lemon rind

5 garlic cloves, minced

Mix all ingredients together and serve over grilled steak, chicken or fish.


It’s Almost Fair Time!

It’s Almost Fair Time!

By Judy Parsons


The 4-H youth in the Wild West District have been working hard on their projects all year and are putting on the finishing touches so that they can enter their exhibits in their County Fairs.

There are three County Fairs in the Wild West District where fairgoers have the opportunity to see exhibits ranging from Foods to Fiber Arts, Sewing to Swine, Photography to Poultry, Horticulture to Horses, Electricity to Entomology, Shopping in Style to Sheep, Vegetable to Visual Arts, Rocketry to Rabbits, Ceramics to Cattle and so much more. There is something for everyone at the County Fairs including entertaining activities for everyone to enjoy.

Our Wild West District fair season starts off with the Haskell County Fair in Sublette. The Theme for the fair is Over The Top. Judging starts with the pre-fair Fashion Revue on Wednesday, July 17th and the Parade on Saturday, July 20th. Exhibits are entered and judging starts on Monday, July 22nd and continues through Friday, July 26th. Some highlights include the Food Auction on Monday, Horse Show, Evening Meal and Carnival Games on Tuesday, Livestock Judging on Thursday and Round Robin and the Livestock Sale on Friday.

The Sky Is The Limit at the Stevens County Fair in Hugoton. Judging starts with the pre-fair Fashion Revue on Thursday, July 25th. The Horse Show is Saturday, July 27th. Entries and judging start on Monday, July 29th with the Parade that evening. More entries and judging continue all week through Friday, August 2nd. Some Fair highlights include the Food Auction on Wednesday, Livestock Judging on Thursday, Beef Show and Round Robin on Friday with a BBQ and Livestock Auction ending the fair Friday evening.

The 5 State/Seward County Free Fair starts on Monday, August 5th with the judging of the Fashion Revue and Clothing. Entries and judging for 4-H youth from Seward County and the 5 State area starts on Tuesday, August 6th and continues through Saturday, August 10th. Highlighted events for this fair include the Archery Shoot on Tuesday, Food Bake Sale on Wednesday, Pet Show on Thursday, Livestock and Round Robin judging on Friday with the Parade of Champions and Livestock Sale Friday evening. The Public Fashion Revue will be Saturday afternoon. There will be lots of family activities going on around the fairgrounds Wednesday through Saturday.

I want to encourage everyone to come out to support our 4-H youth at your local County Fair. They have been working hard on their exhibits to try to win that Grand Champion ribbon or buckle. There are so many family activities for you to enjoy during each fair.

For more information on any of these fairs, contact your local Extension Office or County Fair Office.

Outdoor Play and You!

Outdoor Play and You! 

By: Summer Stafford, Community Wellness agent  

“Go play outside!” We’ve all heard it before… but is there possibly more to it than just sending kids outside for a chance at some peace and quiet for their parents? Yes, in fact, there is!  

According to miracle-recreation.com, on average, today’s kids spend seven hours a day staring at electronics like phones, laptops, tablets and television. Evidence demonstrates that kids today tend to swap active outdoor recreation for more sedentary activities, often to the detriment of their health and quality of life. 

Healthline.com states that; according to a 2019 studyTrusted Source that included data from 19,806 participants, spending at least 120 minutesTrusted Source in nature per week can significantly boost health and well-being. You can go for a 2-hour chunk all at once, or break it up into smaller daily segments — the benefits still hold. 

So, what can we say about the connection between outdoor play and our overall health?  

  • Helps gain and improve upon advanced motor skills  
  • Increases Vitamin D levels 
  • Lowers body mass  
  • Improves muscle strength  
  • Boosts immune system 
  • Improvs mood 
  • Fosters independence 
  • Increase physical and mental toughness 
  • Grows positive peer-to-peer relationships 
  • Creates greater self-awareness 
  • Cultivates an appreciation for the environment 
  • Increases intellectual development benefits of outdoor play such as the use of all the senses and additional brain development. 

So, next time you can get outside and move, think of it to improve your overall health. Our local parks, hiking, biking, and walking trails, sports fields and tracks and any events offered by local recreation departments and local groups are all great ways to get yourself outside and move more! For more tips, tricks, and movement opportunities, call our local extension office 620-624-5604! 

Is my water safe?

Is my water safe?


By Pat Burt – Wild West District Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent

Water is one of the four things that all of us need in order to survive. If you have forgotten the other 3 from learning them in school, they are air, food, and shelter. While we need water to survive, if water is not safe to drink it can make us sick or even kill us. So, knowing that your water is safe is important.

If you are on a public water system, there are both state and federal rules and regulations that your system must follow and should be doing the testing already to make sure your water is safe and of good quality for human consumption. If something is unsafe in the public water supply, your water system team should be taking necessary means to correct the problem and notify the public if necessary. The public water system has a yearly Consumer Confidence Report that is available to the public if requested for the previous year.

For those that are on private wells, you do not have the same rules and regulations as a public water system. There are regulations for well construction but as far as routine sampling, that is something left up to the owner or user of the well. Should a private well user sample their well? It certainly is a good idea and the Center for Disease Control recommends that you test private wells at least once a year for total coliform bacteria, nitrates, total dissolved solids, and pH levels. If you suspect other contaminants, you should test for those as well.

Coliform bacteria are not usually harmful to humans and are naturally occurring in the environment, although some, such as E.coli can cause mild to serious illness if present. Coliform bacteria can be found in soil, human and animal waste, surface water, and plants. They are tested for because they may indicate the presence of other potentially harmful bacteria.

Some faucets are better than others to use for sampling. If at all possible, you want to avoid these sampling sites:

  • Outdoor faucets
  • Faucets connected to water softeners, pressure tanks or other treatment
  • Faucets that have swing spouts
  • Faucets that are too close to the ground or the bottom of the sink

Sometimes, you do not have the “perfect” sampling point. In these scenarios you need to go with the best option and try to try to make things the best scenario that you can. For example, if you are taking an outside sample, do it when you do not have wind, rain, etc. that could contaminate your water sample.

How to take a drinking water sample:

Read the instructions from the lab you will be using. Make sure that you will have plenty of time between when you take the sample and when the lab will receive it (holding time) to make sure that the sample will reach them before the holding time for the analyte expires. For a coliform bacteria sample, there is only a 30 hour holding time. Some labs will allow up to 48 hours if the test is a non-regulatory sample. Also, some labs will not except samples arriving on Fridays and weekends or may charge more for them.

Here is an example from Servi-Tech on procedures for taking water samples for household suitability testing:

In order for coliform bacteria results to comply with State Health Department guidelines:
Samples must be analyzed within 30 hours of collection for regulatory
samples. Samples from private sources can be analyzed up to 48 hours of
collection, but will be flagged to indicate that the samples were analyzed past the regulatory holding time. The shorter time elapsed between collection and analysis of the sample, the more reliable the results. Samples needed for regulatory compliance must be shipped chilled. (The reliability of the results will be improved if shipped with blue ice in an insulated container.) Only samples collected in pressure-sterilized containers with Sodium Thiosulfate preservative (either in powder or pellet form) supplied by Servi-Tech Laboratories will be analyzed for coliform bacteria. There is no charge for containers supplied by the lab.

How to Take a Drinking Water Sample
1. For all analyses, wash hands with soap and water before collecting sample. Let cold tap run at full force for at least 3 to 5 minutes to clear the line.
2. For bacteria analysis:
a. Avoid collecting samples from outside sill-cock, frost-free hydrants, taps with aerators or charcoal filter attachments, or hot water faucets.
b. Disinfect the faucet by applying heat or dipping in a bleach solution (1-part water to 1-part bleach). Do not use heat on plastic or soldered screens. Let the tap run for 3 to 5 minutes to flush any residual chlorine from the line.
c. Completely remove the seal from the container with this orange “STERILE” label and carefully open the lid. Do not touch the inside of the container or the lid. Do not lay the lid down.
d. Slow the flow of water to a stream free of bubbles and take the sample without turning the faucet on and off.
e. Slowly fill the container with water to the fill line or no higher than the shoulder of the bottle. Do not rinse the powder or pellet (whichever is present) out of the container. Do not splash or allow the container to overflow. Replace the lid.
3. Fill the non-sterile container(s) if testing for other parameters.
4. Tighten the lids securely on all bottles to prevent them from opening during shipment.
5. Place the containers in the shipping box.

  1. Complete the information on the information sheet. Place the information sheet in the shipping box. Close, seal, and send the box promptly.
    7. Collect and send bacteria samples early in the week. The required holding time for bacteria on regulatory water samples is 30 hours. Bacteria analysis for all other samples must be started within 48 hours of collection. Bacteria samples received on Friday or after 3:00 pm on Thursday will have a weekend surcharge.

After the sample(s) are analyzed, your report will indicate if your analytes are in the safe drinking water range. If the coliform bacteria sample comes back absent of the coliform drinking level, that is what you want. If it comes back positive, you may want to redo your sampling to make sure you did not somehow contaminate the sample. Should it come back with coliform bacteria being present again, you will need to look to see if you can identify anything that might have caused the problem. Did you have a repair on the line and did they disinfect your line upon completion? Do you have a hose that may have been left in a bucket of water and that water somehow go siphoned into your well? (You can eliminate the risk of this by having a device on your hose that prevents backflow of this sort). You will need to “shock” your well in order to disinfect the well. Here are directions on how to shock your well: https://bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/download/shock-chlorination-for-private-water-systems_MF911 . Hopefully, after shocking your well, the coliform bacteria will no longer be present. You will also want to look at the other analytes to see what their levels are.

There are additional water tests that you can do if you are curious or have a concern about other analytes being in your water. Not all labs perform all tests, so if you want to do some of these other tests, you will need to find a lab that is certified to be able to do that testing.

Household water suitability kits for Servi-Tech can be picked up at any of the Wild West District Extension offices. Test kits are free and you can contact Servi-Tech for testing prices at 800-557-7509 or 620-227-7509. Servi-Tech does have weekly pickups in Hugoton at Skyland Grain and for Sublette and Liberal at the respective extension offices.