Kansas State University


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Tag: Mandela Washington Fellows

Leading Change Institute: 2018 Youth Leadership & Development in West Africa

This past January, the Leading Change Institute (LCI) launched its first institute abroad in Ziguinchor, Senegal. The institute built on relationships started through the 2016 and 2017 Mandela Washington Fellows hosted at Kansas State University. LCI is an endowed leadership program made possible through the generous support and vision of David and Ellie Everitt . The Leading Change Institutes launched in 2015 with the sole purpose of bringing together thinkers, doers, scholars, and leaders that are all collectively addressing real issues with tangible strategies. This program marked the sixth institute for the Staley School and the first to be hosted internationally.

(From left to right: Salif Kanoute, from Senegal, and Ishaku Haruna, from Nigeria during the community meal hosted by the 2017 Mandela Fellows)

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Mandela Washington Fellows: Week Five Reflection

Last week marked week five for the Mandela Washington Fellows who came to the city of Manhattan, Kansas for the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), hosted by the Staley School of Leadership at Kansas State University. This remarkable group of young African leaders are here for a six-week Civic Leadership Institute. Throughout the course of the institute, the Staley School will facilitate opportunities for cultural exchange and leadership development to advance the work of each Fellow by growing their capacity to lead change upon return to their home countries.

The Fellows at Nonprofit Connect in Kansas City

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Mandela Washington Fellows: Week Four Reflection

Unbelievable, yet it has been four weeks since an amazing group of Mandela Washington Fellows arrived in the city of Manhattan, Kansas for the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), hosted by the Staley School of Leadership at Kansas State University. This remarkable group of young African leaders are here for a six-week Civic Leadership Institute. Throughout the course of the Institute, the Staley School will facilitate opportunities for cultural exchange and leadership development to advance the work of each Fellow by growing their capacity to lead change upon return to their home countries.

The Mandela Fellows do the “Wildcat” hand sign with Ed O’Malley and staff from the Kansas Leadership Center.

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Mandela Washington Fellows: Week Three Reflection

Three weeks down, three more to go for the 2017 Mandela Fellows. The Fellows continue to learn and explore the city of Manhattan and the state of Kansas. The Mandela Fellows are on a educational journey for a six-week Civic Leadership Institute at Kansas State University. Throughout the course of the Institute, the Staley School will facilitate opportunities for cultural exchange and leadership development to advance the work of each Fellow by growing their capacity to lead change upon return to their home countries.

The Fellows visited the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home. Abilene, Kansas. Source: Diksha Beeharry, Mandela Fellow from Mauritius.

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Mandela Washington Fellows: Week Two Reflection

The map of Africa decorates the Staley School, handcrafted for Africulture by fellow Manoa Rakotoarison, from Madagascar.

Two weeks ago, a group of Mandela Washington Fellows arrived in the city of Manhattan, Kansas for the Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI), hosted by the Staley School of Leadership at Kansas State University. Continue reading “Mandela Washington Fellows: Week Two Reflection”