Kansas State University


IT News

"Blind carbon copy" adds professionalism to e-mail

When sending e-mail to multiple recipients, consider using the “blind carbon copy” (Bcc:) option. Posting individual e-mail addresses in the Bcc area eliminates the long list of e-mail addresses that the viewer wades through to get to the body of the e-mail and makes for a more professional looking e-mail.

Other benefits include:

  • Avoid “Reply All”. If the list of recipients is very long, using the Bcc option can help prevent individuals from accidentally choosing “Reply All” and e-mailing the entire list rather than the original e-mail author.
  • Reduce spam. It can also help reduce spam by not allowing a  list of e-mail addresses to be available to all e-mail recipients, and therefore not available to the viruses an individual’s computer may be infected with.

The next time you have an e-mail to send to multiple people, consider using Bcc to address the message. Your recipients will thank you!

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