K-State’s All University Shred Day is
- 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 19, on the K-State-Manhattan campus
- 9 a.m.-noon Tuesday, Nov. 2, on the K-State-Salina campus
![Bags of shredded paper with closeup (inset)](https://blogs.k-state.edu/it-news/files/2010/10/BagsShreddedpaper+closeup.jpg)
Departments can place their paper documents with personal identity information (Social Security numbers, birth dates, credit card numbers, etc.) in designated bags and deliver to one of two locations — Mid Campus Drive near the Union, or the Dole Hall parking lots. Empty bags can be picked up at the iTAC Receptionist Desk in 214 Hale Library. The campus shred day authorization form (PDF) must be completed.
Departments that cannot bring documents to the designated areas can contact iTAC at 785-532-4918 to schedule a time and location for pickup. Do not leave bags with shredding materials unattended in hallways.
Documents for shredding include:
- Scantron forms
- Greenbar grade sheets
- Rosters printed from K-State Online, iSIS, SIS, etc.
- Student papers with personal identity information and grades
- Data with credit card information
- Personnel files
and more. Papers can be left in ring binders, file folders, and hanging file folders for shredding. All paper must be dry.
What happens to the paper once it leaves campus? All paper is shredded to half-inch particulate size, mixed and tumbled, and eventually compressed under 70,000 pounds of pressure into paper bales. The bales are transported to a paper mill and recycled into other paper goods.
For more information about the Records Retention and Disposition Schedule, see PPM Chapter 3090: Retention of Records. You can also contact Tony Crawford, university archivist/curator of manuscripts, 785-532-7456, arcford@k-state.edu.