Kansas State University


IT News

Automate your Android phone with Llama

Llama is an app for your Android device that allows you to control various settings based on a large number of predefined triggers. These triggers include things like location (based on cell towers), time of day, day of week, and whether there is an event on your calendar. 

The most common use of apps like this are to change ringers at certain times of day or in certain locations. You can also set it to turn off your ringer if there’s an event scheduled on your calendar so that you’re not embarrassed by forgetting to turn your ringer off before an important meeting.

If you’re worried about missing an important call, the different ringer profiles allow you to set a list of people who can override the volume controls and ring through. The app does take time to configure and it also needs time to learn your location settings, so it might be a couple of days before it works properly, but once it is configured it is a powerful way to automate many routine tasks on your device.

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