The Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) is a referatory that points to various digital learning objects hosted on the Web and Internet. (A “referatory” points to online objects, whereas a “repository” actually contains the digital learning objects.)
Membership to this referatory is free. Members may link to their own publicly available online digital learning objects if those are hosted on a publicly accessible site.
Searches may be enhanced with the drop-down menu at the top right, which allows for federated searches. A federated search takes the search across other referatories and repositories for a larger potential pool of findable resources.
The MERLOT collection is built around the following topics: Arts, Business, Education, Humanities, Mathematics and Statistics, Science and Technology, and Social Sciences.
The digital learning objects may be peer-reviewed. All are released under a Creative Commons License; see MERLOT’s Acceptable Use Policy.
Different virtual communities may form around various disciplines, academic support services and programs, and partner communities.