Kansas State University


IT News

Category: Office applications

Grad students: Start writing your thesis in the ETDR template

If you’re starting to work on your thesis or dissertation this semester, you’ll save a lot of time and avoid frustration by using the ETDR Word template. Graduate students are required to submit their theses and dissertations electronically, and the template contains all the formatting required by the Graduate School.

In addition, the template contains several time-saving features, such as automatically creating the table of contents and caption numbers. The template makes use of the “styles” feature in Word. If “styles” is new to you, read about it on the ETDR website or make an appointment with an ETDR consultant at the IT Help Desk to review “styles” and use of the ETDR template.

An overview session may also be scheduled for groups of students in individual departments. Contact Marty Courtois (courtois@k-state.edu, 785-532-4428) for details.

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