Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: Back Channel

Education resources: Chatzy (free, private chat area) and free e-book

Screen shot 2009-10-19 at 8.12.23 AM Chatzy ( www.chatzy.com) is a neat little website that I tried out in my summer class. According to the website, Chatzy provides a fast way to start your own private chat area. You can name your chat area, choose your privacy settings (even password-protect it), and then invite friends and family to start chatting. Instead of sending out invitations, you could just post the link to your chat area in K-State Online.

1. Applications for education

According to the Oct. 16, 2009, Chatzy article at www.freetech4teachers.com, “Chatzy is a nice alternative to Tiny Chat because you can restrict access to it. Chatzy could be used to hold an after-school tutorial session, host a discussion about a book or article, or use it as a back-channel during a class lecture.”

If students were all contributing information to the Chatzy area during class, there would be a very robust set of notes for each class lecture.

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