Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: sponsored programs

Extramural Funding Awards Database available for K-State researchers

Developed by K-State Libraries and the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs,  the Extramural Funding Awards Database was released this summer.  It provides information on funding awarded by federal, state, local, and private agencies to Kansas State University faculty and researchers, including the award title, dollar amount awarded, funding agency, investigators, and the college/department of the investigator(s).

The database features a keyword search and can be browsed by college, department, investigator, or sponsoring agency. Coverage includes grants, contracts, and other funding awarded within the last five years and will be updated quarterly. Current coverage is through March 2011.

Questions about information contained in the database should be directed to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, 785-532-6195, research@k-state.edu.