Kansas State University


The Loop

Unlock your potential: Share your Strengths story

Are you ready to embark on a journey that not only celebrates your unique strengths but also empowers others to do the same? If you’re a Wildcat with a story to tell, we want to hear it! Kansas State University is brimming with remarkable individuals, each possessing a set of strengths waiting to be unveiled and shared with the world. So, why not let your strengths shine?

Have you ever used your innate abilities to elevate your own well-being or uplift those around you? Whether you’ve achieved personal growth or sparked positive change in your community, your story matters. We invite you to share it with us through various mediums:

1. Written narratives: Craft a captivating narrative that highlights your strengths in action. Words have the power to inspire and connect, and your story can be a guiding light for others.

2. Artistic expression: Let your creativity flow through art! Draw, paint, sculpt – whatever your chosen medium, use it to express your strengths in a visually compelling way. Art transcends language and can communicate emotions and ideas that words alone sometimes cannot.

3. Multimedia magic: Embrace the magic of multimedia! Create videos, podcasts, or any other format that can vividly showcase your Strengths story. Sometimes, a visual or auditory experience can leave a lasting impact.

Submissions are due by Friday, Dec. 1, 2023. Submit your strengths story.

Why share your story?

Your story is more than just a personal anecdote; it’s an opportunity to:

1. Inspire others: Your journey of self-discovery and growth can inspire fellow Wildcats to embark on their own path of strength exploration and development. Together, we can create a thriving community of empowered individuals.

2. Financial opportunities: By sharing your Strengths story, you stand a chance to receive student financial opportunity awards. It’s not just about recognition; it’s also about tangible support for your educational journey.

3. Public display: We want to celebrate your Strengths and creativity by sharing them during campus events and across our social media platforms. Imagine your story inspiring others far and wide!

4. Spotlight speakers: Your story could lead to exciting opportunities to serve as a future “Spotlight on Strengths” speaker, allowing you to share your journey and insights with the broader K-State community.

Join us in enhancing campus well-being

Today, take a moment to reflect on your Strengths. How can you leverage them to make a positive impact on your campus community and beyond? By sharing your Strengths story, you become an integral part of the journey towards naming, claiming, and aiming Strengths towards success!

We believe that every Wildcat has a unique Strengths story waiting to be told. Your journey is an inspiration, and together, we can create a thriving, empowered, and supportive campus community. Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock your potential and inspire others along the way.

Submit your Strengths story and be a catalyst for positive change. Let’s celebrate the incredible diversity of strengths that make our Wildcat family so special!

About Staley School of Leadership

Developing knowledgeable, ethical, caring, inclusive leaders for a diverse and changing world

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