Kansas State University


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Cats 4 Cans drives community engagement, serves those in need

Students from The Staley School of Leadership Studies at Kansas State University will be visiting homes throughout the Manhattan, Kansas, community to spread awareness about food insecurity and collect donations for the Flint Hills Breadbasket. For residents who want to donate, students will provide instructions and make requests at pre-visits Oct. 30-31, and canned goods or monetary donations will be collected Nov. 1-3. Checks can be written to the Flint Hills Breadbasket.

Students from the 2017 LEAD 212 class collect donations for the Flint Hills Breadbasket.

Food insecurity in Riley County is 17.5 percent and the poverty level in Manhattan, Kansas, is 25.4 percent.* These percentages are among the highest of all counties in Kansas. The Flint Hills Breadbasket’s mission, ‘To minimize hunger and poverty through the distribution of available food and to nurture projects that will help alleviate hunger and poverty,’ aims to help alleviate and reduce these numbers in the local community. More than 18,000 individuals received food from the Flint Hills Bread Basket in 2018. Learn more about the Flint Hills Breadbasket.

Items needed most at this time include:

  • Condiments such as ketchup, mustard, barbecue sauce and salad dressings
  • Pudding and Jell-O mixes
  • Cake/muffin mixes
  • Juice
  • Crackers
  • Granola bars
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Canned meat
  • Macaroni and cheese dinners
  • Ramen noodles

The Cats 4 Cans project is part of the LEAD 212: Introduction to Leadership Concepts coursework. Students are studying food insecurity and hunger, and actively applying leadership concepts in the local community as a service-learning project. Cats 4 Cans is an annual fall activity that has been active for almost 20 years.  This activity fulfils the Staley School mission: Developing knowledgeable, ethical, caring, inclusive leaders for a diverse and changing world. Learn more about The Staley School.

Students walk through Manhattan, Kansas, neighborhoods to collect donations for the Flint Hills Breadbasket.

“We appreciate the community support of our students as they go door to door around Manhattan,” said Tamara Bauer, instructor at The Staley School of Leadership Studies. “This kind of assignment allows our students to get real experience working with the community towards a common goal, and will give them the skills they need to solve problems in their careers and lives after K-State.”

For more information or for questions, contact Tamara Bauer at tamara@ksu.edu.


*Source: Feeding America and U.S. Census websites

Director’s Note: Fall 2019


Dr. Trisha Gott, Interim Director of the Staley School of Leadership Studies

Greetings from the Staley School of Leadership Studies!

With each new semester comes new excitement, perspective, and possibility. Here at the Staley School, we are so thrilled to welcome students, faculty, and staff back to campus this fall. We have enjoyed celebrating the many ways our students and faculty engaged in leadership throughout the warmer months.

This summer, we had many students complete meaningful internships with Cargill as a part of our Cargill Fellows Program. We had a team of four students spend seven weeks with our International Service Teams program in Nyeri, Kenya. In May, Dr. Chance Lee, Assistant Professor and Director of the Nonprofit focus, taught a leadership course to students at Jilin University about American leadership concepts in Changchun, China. In July, three Staley School alumni joined Kerry Priest, SSLS Associate Professor, at the Association of Leadership Educator’s Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico. They presented several workshops and each received an award. We are so proud of our faculty, alumni, and students who continue to develop their capacity to lead and make an impact.

We have such great momentum moving into the fall semester. It seems that change often accompanies each new semester, in the best possible way. I am so excited to have stepped into the position of Interim Director for the Staley School, as Dr. Mary Hale Tolar serves as the Interim Vice Provost of Student Success. As I lead the Staley School and temporarily take over the responsibility of the Director the Staley School, Dr. Tolar will be providing leadership in the student retention, success and progression areas of the university’s strategic enrollment management efforts.

Another very exciting change taking place this fall is the transition of LEAD 212 from a two-credit course to now three credits. Our faculty and class leaders have taken great initiative in leading this! As we continue to advance the undergraduate learning experience, we look forward to another year collaborating with our students in the Nonprofit focus and Global Food Systems Leadership Secondary Major.

We have officially welcomed our second cohort of students into the new interdisciplinary doctoral program in Leadership Communication. We are energized by the learning and leadership that our doctoral program cultivates and we are very excited about the wealth of knowledge that this new group will bring into the program. Our research endeavors are also deepening in other ways as faculty partner with community organizations and Kansas Leadership Center’s Third Floor Research program to change how we understand leadership at individual and community levels.

What an incredible semester we are embarking on! Be sure to mark your calendars for October 4 & 5, 2019 for our 9th annual Spirit of Leadership in Manhattan. We would love for you to join us as we celebrate and connect. We will also be hosting a reunion for our International Service Teams, Class Leaders and Snyder Leadership Legacy Fellows at this year’s event.

This fall we are walking forward boldly as the Kansas State University turns a new page on how to serve students, our state, and our country. SSLS is excited to be pushing our edges to understand how we too can serve by sharing our knowledge and by understanding the rich experiences of the members of the communities we love so deeply.

Sincere thanks,



Kudos to Tamara Bauer, a 2019 Presidential Award Recipient

The Staley School is beyond proud to announce and celebrate the achievement of Tamara Bauer, who was recently recognized by Kansas State University as a 2019 Presidential Award Recipient.         

                                                                   Continue reading “Kudos to Tamara Bauer, a 2019 Presidential Award Recipient”

Staley School Student Spotlights

There are many faces at the Staley School of Leadership Studies that deserve to be in the spotlight for their constant pursuit of growing as knowledgeable, ethical, caring, and inclusive leaders. The hundreds of talented and intelligent students that we work alongside are the reason we do what we do every single day. We want you to meet some of their faces, so we have started a series on social media called “Student Spotlights,” where we feature various students and the things that they are learning throughout their Leadership Studies endeavor. Watch the video below to meet a few of our many wonderful students!

Follow @KStateSSLS on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to read more Student Spotlights!

Snyder Leadership Legacy Fellows “Big XII Leadership and Service Days”

On Wednesday, October 3rd, 18 members of the Snyder Leadership Legacy Fellows Program were southbound on an adventure to Waco, Texas. Just a few days before the Kansas State Wildcats took on the Baylor Bears, students from both universities decided to look beyond their rivalry, and instead, found unity in community service and leadership during the first-ever Big XII Leadership and Service Days.

The purpose of the Leadership and Service Days is to cultivate connections across conference competitors through joint leadership and service projects. Current resident Snyder Fellow, Ashley Anderson and Staley School of Leadership Studies Coordinator of Partnerships, Marcia Hornung initiated the service effort in hopes of continuing to partner with other Big XII schools in the future while achieving more social and service opportunities.

Continue reading “Snyder Leadership Legacy Fellows “Big XII Leadership and Service Days””

Hannah Sutherland Connects Leadership to Study Abroad Experience in Spain

Ask me about Bennett’s Model of Intercultural Sensitivity. Seriously. I could talk about it for hours. Any student who has taken LEAD 350, Culture in Context, would say the same. We could quote each one of his six stages, give examples, and even describe how it affects the cultural lens through which we, on an individual basis, view the world. But what if I told you there is a way to shatter that lens… to see everything, untouched, with your own two eyes? What if I told you that the best way to learn about Bennett’s Model is to live it? Continue reading “Hannah Sutherland Connects Leadership to Study Abroad Experience in Spain”