Kansas State University


Powercat Financial

Tag: giving back

Charitable Giving & Volunteering in College

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Charitable giving is not often at the front of our minds during college. However, charitable giving is a large reason some organizations survive. Also, helping other people either monetarily or through service is a great way to give back to the community. There are many charitable organizations that exist here in Manhattan. Often times students want to make a difference in the world but aren’t sure where to start. Here are some things to consider when thinking about charitable giving.

Tips for Charitable Giving

  • Before you give to a charitable organization, make sure you plan your budget so you know how much you can give while still being able to pay your bills and other obligations. If your budget can’t handle the donation you are planning, that will put you in a bind until finances get sorted out. Looking at your budget beforehand and determining what amount you can give is important. If you would like assistance in setting up a budget, our peer counselors would be happy to meet with you and walk you through that process.
  • The amount and frequency of donations is up to you. It may be that you want to do one big donation once a year, or you my want to give a certain percent of your budget each month. Whatever you decide, organizations greatly appreciate any support they receive.
  • You don’t have to just give money. Different charitable organizations need other kinds of support, not just financial. One option is donating canned foods and other non-perishable goods. Here in Manhattan, The Flint Hills Breadbasket relies largely on donations of food items to give out to members of the community. Another option is giving away clothing. With colder weather coming soon, there is a bigger need for winter coats. The FIT Closet is an organization with school district USD 383 that helps provide students with clothing and other necessities.
  • Another form of charitable giving is the giving of your time. Volunteering is a great option to help out your community. There are so many organizations in Manhattan. When picking what volunteer work to do, consider what it is you are passionate about. This could be helping out with children at your church, volunteering at The Flint Hills Breadbasket, tutoring elementary students, helping out at a Senior Center, or volunteering at the emergency shelter. If there is something that really tugs on your heart, that would be a great place to start!

Places to Consider Volunteering, Donating, and More Information

For more information on budgeting or other financial topics, make an appointment with Powercat Financial Counseling. We offer free and confidential one-on-one meetings on campus. Visit our website at www.ksu.edu/pfc for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Lindsay Adams
Peer Counselor II
Powercat Financial Counseling