Wild West District Extension Blog

Time Management

By: Kristin Penner, Family Resource Management Agent

Have you ever said you wish you had more time?  Or, time sure is flying bye!

Time is a special resource because it takes time to accomplish anything. The way you manage time, like the way you manage your money, energy, and other resources, plays a large part in determining the goals you can accomplish, and the satisfaction you receive from everything you do. You really manage yourself with regard to time. There are many ways to make the most of your time.

Time is a special resource for anyone trying to meet family, work, community, and personal needs. Some say time is the most valuable of all resources because it is limited. Others think time is endless . . . thinking they can always do their tasks at another time. Most busy people have to plan carefully to meet all their time demands. Jobs, schools, and other events require you to be on time, even though you would prefer a more relaxed schedule.

Time itself is not the real problem: The key is how you use your time. Time cannot really be managed; you manage yourself in terms of time use.


Time is unique. It is the only resource every person has in equal amounts. We all have 24 hours a day.

Time is perishable. You cannot really save time. You can “lose it or use it.” A problem with time as a resource is that you cannot borrow minutes from one day and use them the next day. Although time cannot be saved, you can use your time effectively through careful planning and action.

Time is a measure. When time is discussed, many people think first of the clock. America tends to be a clock-and-calendar centered society. Being on time for work, school, and appointments, and for payments such as rents and bills, is a necessity for almost everyone today. In other cultures, time may be measured by the sun and the seasons.

Time has a dollar value. An old proverb tells us, “Time is money.” It takes time to earn money. It takes time to develop new resources. It takes time to get the most from your shopping dollar. Sometimes you choose whether to “buy time” in the form of convenience foods or household repairs.

Time has other values. We look for “quality time” to spend with children and other family members. We need time for rest, leisure, and personal renewal, as well as for friends, neighbors, and our community.


Plan to balance your life and share time with family, friends, neighbors, and work. We all invest time, waste time, and use time. Think carefully about your use of time. Make sure you invest time in the things that are important to you.

Resource: Essential Living Skills KSRE

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