Wild West District Extension Blog

Tag: Volunteers

4-H Parents are Very Important

4-H Parents are Very Important

By Judy Parsons

Parents play a very important role in the 4-H program. Successful 4-H experiences for 4-H youth depend on the active role of their parents. Parents provide the support and encouragement needed for their 4-H youth to complete their 4-H work. Parents are a vital role in fulfilling the 4-H Mission of empowering youth to reach their full potential through youth-adult partnerships.

Parents make sure their youth attend club and project meetings. They also make sure to bring the necessary materials needed for the meetings. They help the other adult leaders whenever possible to help make the 4-H club successful. Most club leaders are also 4-H parents and rely on everyone’s help. All parents have skills and resources that they can share to help all the youth in the club learn life skills and achieve their goals. We know that tomorrow’s leaders are built in today’s 4-H clubs.

Parents are there to guide their youth in project selection. The activities that youth chose help build them into good citizens and leaders of tomorrow. You are building the future by teaching essential life skills that all youth need. Parents are a very important part of this process.

Parents who are involved in the 4-H program with their youth often have a much better understanding how the entire program works. They are then able to assist their youth and other youth in having positive 4-H experiences. This meaningful contribution to the 4-H program can give the parent satisfaction.

Some specific responsibilities of parents could include:

  • Provide or arrange transportation
  • Read your 4-H Newsletter and know what is going on
  • Encourage and reward youth in their project work
  • Volunteer to help as a project leader
  • Volunteer to help at 4-H events
  • See that youth finish projects that they start
  • Be a “shadow-helper” by guiding and advising but letting the youth do the work
  • Make sure your youth meet project and registration deadlines
  • Provide materials and equipment needed for the project
  • Encourage your youth in successes and failures
  • Make 4-H a family affair
  • Be a good sport, help your youth be a good sport also
  • Appreciate the success of others
  • Support your 4-H Leaders
  • If you need help or have questions, ask your 4-H Agent or club leaders

It takes time and commitment to develop tomorrow’s leaders. There is great satisfaction in watching youth grow into their potential and become successful.

4-H Volunteers

By: Devin Ramsey, 4-H and Youth Development Extension Agent


4-H may be a youth organization, but it doesn’t function without a lot of help from adult volunteers and 4-H parents. Parents and volunteers play a vital role in a 4-H’ers journey.

Parents are most important in their 4-H’ers life and by making 4-H a family event it can be even more fun. Plus parents will understand more about was expected of their children in 4-H and learn more about what is expected of them. It’s important for parents to take interest in their child’s 4-H projects to be able to assist them as needed. Learn what 4-H is and how it can better their child in the future. Also be encouraging for their child to try new things in such a safe environment. But parents aren’t not always able to do and know everything that is where our amazing volunteers come in.

4-H volunteers are not always 4-H parents. They might of been former 4-H’ers that just have a passion for a specific and have a desire to teach youth. Or even community members will be project leaders. With so many projects available in 4-H there is no way to have all the information so that is why we rely on volunteers.

If you have a passion about 4-H and its projects but just aren’t sure what being a project leader would entail, please contact the extension office to learn more.