Wild West District Extension Blog

Tag: Wild Game

Processing Deer at Home

By: Lacey Noterman, Livestock Extension Agent

White tailed deer hunting in United States - BookYourHunt.com

Venison can be delicious meat.  A great deal of your family’s acceptance and enjoyment of venison will depend on how it is cut up and cooked.  So while you are out filling your deer tags, it is important to reserve your spot at the locker for processing.  This year you might struggle trying to find lockers that still have open spots.  Click on the link below to see the available deer processors in Kansas.


COVID-19 has brought lots of challenges for meat processors that are still trying to catch up from a backlog that came when large facilities closed because of virus outbreaks.  Whether you are looking for new options because the local butcher is booked, or you want to try your hands at new skills, processing meat at home could be a new option.

By processing your deer at home, you control the final product.  You can cut, package, and label each steak, sausage, or package of ground venison to your liking.  Before diving into this process you need to have all the right tools.  Below are valuable websites to assist with the proper process, and handling of processed wild game.



