Kansas State University


IT News

Advisor holds on students enrolling for spring semester

The Cashiers section of the Controller’s Office is receiving a large number of inquiries from unhappy students who have been referred to them to clear holds on their records in order for the students to enroll for the spring term. However, the majority of the inquiring students do not have Cashiers holds but other holds — predominantly Advisor Holds and Advisor Survey Holds.

Students may view their holds by following the View Holds instructions in iSIS Help, and will then be able to determine the appropriate action to take.

  1. Most students must first meet with their advisor to plan their spring schedule, and then the advisor releases the Advisor Hold (“Service Indicator” in iSIS terminology).
  2. Next, the student must complete the Advising Survey by following the Complete Advising Survey instructions in iSIS Help. Once the survey is completed, this hold is automatically released.
  3. Barring any other holds, the student will then be able to enroll when their timeslot opens.

iSIS Help for students is available from the iSIS Help link at the bottom right-hand side of their iSIS Student Center.

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