Kansas State University


IT News

Tag: Trend Micro

Trend Micro meeting moved to 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 18

The campus meeting about renewing the Trend Micro license postponed from last Friday is scheduled 9:30-10:30 a.m.  Wednesday, Feb. 18, in Union 213.  Since K-State’s license for Trend Micro antivirus software expires March 31, Harvard Townsend, chief information security officer, will facilitate a discussion of the options for renewing the license (which boil down to whether we renew for one year or three years), how a decision will be made, and considerations for Macintosh support.

K-State’s Symantec license for Macs expires in October 2009, and Trend Micro is about to release a native Mac antivirus product. Continue reading “Trend Micro meeting moved to 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 18”

Trend Micro Web Reputation Services enabled to help battle malware infections

To assist in the battle against malware that daily threatens K-State computers, Web Reputation Services (WRS), also known as “Web Threat Protection Services”, was enabled last week in K-State’s Trend Micro OfficeScan for those managed by the central IT Trend Micro server. WRS augments the antivirus and antispyware protection already offered in OfficeScan to add another layer of prevention against the rapidly evolving, increasingly sophisticated, quickly spreading, and growing number of malicious threats faced by K-Staters as they browse the Internet.

Web Reputation Services works by checking every web address you attempt to visit in a web browser and blocking access to those found in a list of known malicious sites. WRS works with all major web browsers, including Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Continue reading “Trend Micro Web Reputation Services enabled to help battle malware infections”

Trend Micro license-renewal meeting Wednesday, Feb. 18

Update: Last-minute date change from Friday, Feb. 13, to Wednesday, Feb. 18

K-State’s license for Trend Micro antivirus/security software expires March 31, so we are in the process of exploring renewal options. It is not an option to switch to a different antivirus vendor at this point, given the complexity and magnitude of converting. However, K-State does have the option of renewing for either one year or three years, and Trend Micro is offering attractive pricing for a three-year renewal.

A campus meeting to discuss the renewal options is scheduled 1:30-2:30 p.m. 9:30-10:30 a.m.Friday, Feb. 13 Tuesday, Feb. 17 Wednesday, Feb. 18, in Union 213. Continue reading “Trend Micro license-renewal meeting Wednesday, Feb. 18”

Trend Micro meeting Friday Nov. 14

The next quarterly meeting about K-State’s use of Trend Micro security software will be held on Friday, November 14, 9:00-10:30 A.M. in Hale 114. Shea McGrew will facilitate the discussion on the following topics:

  • Patching OfficeScan (the latest patches, how to determine your patch/build level, how to stay on top of new patch releases)
  • Features and configuration of Control Manager 5.0, including departmental access to the central Control Manager
  • Features in the upcoming release of OfficeScan 10.0
  • Technical support contacts
  • Renewing the Trend Micro contract that expires in March 2009, plus discussion about Mac support
  • General Q&A

Continue reading “Trend Micro meeting Friday Nov. 14”