Kansas State University


IT News

TELENET 2, K-State at Salina host high-def video conferencing

John Allard, TELENET 2, and Joe Krause, Continuing Education at K-State at Salina, co-wrote a successful Kan-ed grant proposal resulting in new PolyCom high-definition (HD) video conferencing equipment for both K-State campuses. On Aug. 14, the TELENET 2 equipment was installed in Dole Hall,  and potential users from both campuses were trained.

The equipment in Dole Hall can operate at speeds from 128 kbps to 1,920 kbps and has the capacity to bridge three additional sites. The equipment setup is ingenious in that two PolyComs are connected to the 42-inch monitors to allow both IP and ISDN connectivity.

The K-State at Salina equipment installation is in progress.  It is being placed in the library in a room renovated for that purpose.

To request a demonstration of the TELENET 2 equipment in Dole Hall, call 785-532-5995.

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