Q. K-State’s central Unix system won’t let me log in via FTP to work on my departmental webpages. It says my Mac’s FTP connection isn’t secure. How do I fix that?
K-State has had secure-FTP sign-in for a long time, and there are several applications available to do that. K-Staters who use Dreamweaver (on Macs or PCs) to maintain departmental webpages can select a secure-FTP checkbox as shown in the image below.
![screenshot of Dreamweaver's secure-FTP selection](https://blogs.k-state.edu/it-news/files/2011/04/example-deptDreamweaverFTPtoUnix.png)
Other secure-FTP options for Macs
1. Cyberduck is an “ftp and webdev browser for the Mac” that’s used in the university computing labs and K-State InfoCommons.
2. Fugu is a freeware “secure FTP program to access remote computers” that’s listed in the Mac section of the K-State CatPack software suite.
3. Terminal is another Mac option, according to the IT Help Desk. It reportedly logs into Unix at a blind-directory level, so it may require more navigation to get to department-specific web spaces.
If you have other Mac questions, contact the IT Help Desk, helpdesk@k-state.edu, 785-532-7722.