As Americans head out to vote on Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 6) for national, state, and local candidates, questions may still abound. Aside from the ever-important “Who’s winning?”, inquiries range from where to vote, when the election polls open, who’s on the ballot, and even whether people are really registered to vote.
TechHive’s article “Election apps for the educated voter” (Nov. 2, 2012) spotlights four tools that can answer those questions and more.
- Google’s Voter Information Tool is an online Web app that covers voter info, insights, trends, YouTube videos, and other resources.
- The Washington Post’s Politics is a stand-alone app for the iPad to “filter their election coverage and keep things in one spot.”
- Voter Hub is a free app for iOS, Android, and Windows mobile devices.
- The Super PAC for iPhone app, and Ad Hawk for iOS and Android devices, both allow snap-captures of TV ads to get fast feedback on the Political Action Committees (PACs) behind an ad, as well as funding information.