One of the ways scammers try to trick you is by pretending to represent government entities in order to steal your personal information. They often prey on urgent financial needs. A recent scam that K-State is seeing is an email asking you to click on a link to apply for government emergency relief funds.
Clicking on links in phishing emails often takes you to a fake website where they ask for your personal information. The goal is to obtain as much personal information from you as possible so they can use it for financial gain.
What can you do?
- Don’t respond to unsolicited emails or text messages.
- Never click on website links in emails. Go to the official website directly.
- Don’t give out your personal information to unofficial websites.
- Never give out your personal information over email or text message.
Stay up-to-date on the scams targeting K-State by checking the K-State Scams blog. Also, it’s a good idea to check the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Scam Alerts site for a list and descriptions of the latest scams.
If you have any questions about potential scams, contact the IT Help Desk (