Kansas State University


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Tag: adobe acrobat 9 pro

E-portfolios (part 3): Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro tool

Author’s note: This is the third and last article in a brief series on various technologies that may be used to render and output portfolios.

Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro has a new feature to enable the creation of an electronic portfolio. Acrobat Pro is a tool that helps collate pre-made contents into a coherent portfolio form. It is not used to author the content.

Rather, original contents may be created and edited using other tools and brought into the Acrobat 9 portfolio. (Authoring tools could include word processing programs, video editing programs, digital-image editing programs, digital drawing tools, and scripting tools for learning objects.)

First, open Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. In the menu bar, select File and then Create PDF Portfolio.

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