Kansas State University


The Loop

Author: The Staley School of Leadership Studies

Letter from 20th-Year Engagement Initiative Committee Member, Aubrey Abbott Patterson

Members of the first graduating class pose with the Staley School’s founders at Spirit of Leadership, where Bob and Susan were honored in 2012. From left to right: Aaron Otto, Casey Carlson, Dr. Susan M. Scott, Dr. Bob Shoop, and Aubrey Abbott Patterson.

Our Story: From Humble Beginnings to a Thriving Program

By: Aubrey Abbott Patterson (’98)

When I think about why I support the Staley School of Leadership Studies, I can’t help but think back to my time at K-State — when the program itself was still an idea, a vision of what could be. Continue reading “Letter from 20th-Year Engagement Initiative Committee Member, Aubrey Abbott Patterson”

Support the “Leadership for Life” 20th Anniversary Engagement Initiative

A Message from the Chair of the Engagement Initiative, Casey Carlson:

My name is Casey Carlson (Leadership Studies minor, class of 1998). I am an alumna and fervent supporter of the Staley School of Leadership Studies, and I am honored to serve as the chair of the School’s 20th year Engagement Initiative. The goal of the initiative is to demonstrate the support that our alumni and friends have for the work of the Staley School. On behalf of my family and the School, I ask you to ENGAGE. Continue reading “Support the “Leadership for Life” 20th Anniversary Engagement Initiative”

Alumni Video Chat on Continued Leadership Development

Wildcats Leadership for Life, the Staley School’s alumni network, are excited to offer continued leadership development to all Staley School alumni and friends! Join us for our next professional development event on March 8th, featuring K-State alumnus Amanda Cebula of the Kansas Leadership Center. Learn more here: bit.ly/kstateYLE!

To join the video chat, use this link on March 8th: https://yle.adobeconnect.com/wlfl/

Leadership for Life: Celebrating 20 Years of Leadership Studies

2017 marks the 20th year of leadership studies at Kansas State University!

Since 1997, we have engaged with students in ways that help develop and cultivate their leadership capacity. All who have been involved with us throughout our first 20 years have helped make up our foundation, and in this celebratory year, we’re looking to connect with more alumni, supporters, and friends!

Continue reading “Leadership for Life: Celebrating 20 Years of Leadership Studies”

Mandela Washington Fellows: 2016 Civic Leadership Institute

In the summer of 2016, the Staley School of Leadership Studies hosted 27 Mandela Washington Fellows for a Civic Leadership Institute. The Mandela Fellowship is part of the Young African Leaders Initiative, established by the Obama Administration to help develop the next generation of leaders in Africa. Each Mandela Washington Fellow is a leader in their home community, recognized for their positive contributions to innovation and change across the continent of Africa. During their time at K-State, the 2016 Mandela Washington Fellows engaged in a diverse array of leadership development and cultural exchange activities to grow their capacity to make change upon their return home.

Photo from the 2016 Mandela Washington Fellows Graduation in July. It features all 27 fellows and the program staff for the Staley School's Civic Leadership Institute.
Photo from the 2016 Mandela Washington Fellows’ Graduation in July. It features all 27 fellows and the program staff for the Staley School’s Civic Leadership Institute.

Continue reading “Mandela Washington Fellows: 2016 Civic Leadership Institute”