Prepare Kansas

Tag: #KState

Choose Your Challenge!

Because we know that thinking about and preparing for the sorts of disasters and emergencies that we experience in Kansas can be intimidating, we encourage you to Choose Your Challenge. You decide which of the five challenge actions you start with and the order that you’ll complete them.

Click on one of the icons below to get started!






New for 2020: Choose Your Challenge

Welcome to the Prepare Kansas online challenge for 2020! This year marks the eighth annual online challenge and to keep it fresh, we’re changing it up just a bit. We’re educators, so we’ll still feature educational content in blog posts. We will focus on a few preparedness actions each week. And, we’ll be here to offer motivation and encouragement as you and your family take actions throughout September to be prepared ahead of disasters and emergencies.

So what’s different this year? Because we know that thinking about and preparing for the sorts of disasters and emergencies that we experience in Kansas can be intimidating, we encourage you to Choose Your Challenge. You decide which of the five challenge actions you start with and the order that you’ll complete them. Maybe it will take you longer than a week to complete one of the challenges. Maybe you won’t complete all of them during the month. That’s OK. Getting started can sometimes be the biggest challenge of all.

Choose Your Challenge

Make a Plan

Build a Kit

Prepare for Disasters

Talk to Your Kids

Get Financially Prepared

To help Kansans become as prepared as possible for emergencies, K-State Research and Extension is offering the Prepare Kansas annual preparedness challenge. It’s a free weekly online challenge through September that includes activities individuals and families can accomplish each week. By the end of the month, participants will be better prepared to withstand and recover from emergencies.

This year’s challenge activities revolve around:

  • Making a plan – talking with others about being prepared, updating family communications plan and reviewing plans for shelter and/or evacuation, including pets, taking COVID-19 into account;
  • Building a kit – build a kit of basic emergency supplies plus grab-and-go backpacks for family members and pets;
  • Preparing for disasters – know the difference between watches and warnings, sign up for emergency alerts and participate in an emergency drill;
  • Talking to your kids – children often experience disasters differently than adults and they need to have developmentally appropriate explanations of them; and
  • Getting financially prepared – set aside money for an emergency, review insurance coverage, build or maintain a financial grab-and-go box, and complete a home inventory.

Challenge activities will be posted here so check back often!