Wild West District Extension Blog

Category: K-State Research and Extension

Proper Vaccine Storage and Handling

As a producer, you should make it a priority to establish a relationship with your veterinarian.  A lot of vaccines and medications require a prescription.  Once you have your animal health products, read the label to find the proper storage temperatures.  Storage is extremely important to ensure the effectiveness of the vaccine.  Make sure you have a process in place to keep the products at the proper temperature from the time of arrival to the actual use of the product.

It is critical, especially for products requiring refrigeration that the medication is kept at the appropriate temperatures.  When storing your products in the refrigerator it is recommended to have a thermometer in the refrigerator to monitor the temperature.  The University of Nevada conducted research on 20 ranches and 4 feed stores.  Through that research, 25% of the refrigerators failed to maintain vaccines in the safe zone (35 degrees – 45 degrees F).  Be sure to make it a priority to double check the temperature of your refrigerator periodically.

Processing and treatment records should be kept with each product.  These records should include: date given, animal or group, products utilized, dose and withdrawal time.  Everything should be recorded every time you administer an animal health product.  It’s also a good idea to record the lot number on the vaccine.   If there happens to be an issue with injection sites, blemishes, or reactions it’s important for you to reference to those records as well as your veterinarian.

When handling vaccines at the chute, make sure you protect the vaccines from sunlight.  Coolers with ice packs are a good way to help protect them from the sunlight and still keep them cool.  Make sure you have a barrier between the vaccine and the ice pack so the vaccine doesn’t accidentally freeze or get too cold.  It’s important if you’re working in the winter months that you don’t let your vaccine freeze.

Do not mix different vaccines together.  Only mix vaccines that are required to be, such as modified live products.  Be sure to only mix enough vaccine that you can use up in one hour.  If it’s mixed for over an hour, the live virus will start to break down and the vaccine will not work properly.  Be sure to keep your vaccine thoroughly mixed.  Make sure the vaccine stays mixed and is not separated when drawing up for use. If using modified live vaccines, make sure to use a transfer needle and to enter the diluent first.  After re-hydrating, gently roll.  Do not shake the bottle.

Mark syringes for different vaccines to prevent a mix up.  A piece of tape around the syringe with the drug name is one way or colored tape abound the bottle matching the colored tape around the syringe.  Be sure to always use products from the original container and never re-enter a bottle with a used needle.  Make sure to keep equipment clean.  DO NOT use disinfectant with modified live or killed vaccines as it can cause damage to the vaccine.


Check Your Credit

Check Your Credit

By: Kristin Penner, Director

Have you checked your credit lately?  False claims of unemployment have caused a lot of concern over the past few months in Kansas so now is your chance.  One in five people have an error on at least one of their credit reports according to a study conducted by the federal trade commission.  Why not check your credit for free?

Credit reports affect many different aspects of your life, including ability to get a loan, rates for loans and insurance, and more.  The Family Resource Management Program Focus Team is encouraging you to sign up for K-State Research and Extension’s Check your Credit email program.

The program is designed to remind you to check your credit report three times during the year on February 2, June 6, and October 10.  You will also receive periodic emails with information about how to understand your credit report, how to correct errors, and use your credit report to you advantage.

There is no cost to participate and registration is easy!  Sign up today at


Wild West District 4-H Club Day

Wild West District 4-H Club Day

By Devin Ramsey, 4-H Agent

What is 4-H Club Day? It is an event where 4-H compete in different events showing off their speeches, musical talent, dance and more. 4-H’ers can compete as an individual, team or in a group with their 4-H Club.

4-H’ers gain a lot of skills by participating in events like these. For example, if they are wanting to do a demonstration. First, they will have to decide on a topic, make sure to pick something you like. It should be something you can show how to do or make. Once you have decided on your topic you will have map out your talk having an introduction of yourself and what you will be talking about. The middle which you would go over the steps and process of what you are talking about. Then the conclusion where you so a quick summary and make sure at the very end you ask if anyone in the audience has any questions. Most of the time the judge will have a question to ask you.

This would take a lot of work to prepare everything you would need. Since you would be doing a demonstration you would have posters showing the different steps as you go along as well as the different items you will need to do you demonstration. The topic you pick will determine how much or how little you will need.  Once you have gotten all that ready to go you will want to make sure you practice. Your practice will need to include doing it just like you would in front of the judge. Giving the entire talk, going through the different steps, moving the posters, and practice for the different things that could go wrong. Poster falling, forgetting a line, or even forgetting something at home.

Check out the other areas 4-H’ers can compete in on our website https://wildwest.k-state.edu/4-h/Club%20Days.html. You can find the link where to register, guidelines and scoresheets for the different events. Also new this year is now Cloverbuds can participate. Cloverbuds are youth ages 5-6 so not quite official 4-H’ers but are still included in a lot that we do. They can only participate in Show and Share.


If you have any questions about Club Day please contact Devin at deramsey@ksu.edu.

Start the New Year Right with Healthy Eating

Start the New Year Right with Healthy Eating

By Nancy Honig, FCS Agent

January has become the time of year many make plans or resolutions to change their eating habits and start eating healthier. Just in time for the New Year the USDA has completed its update to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


My Plate is still around and very little has changed as far as recommendations. We still encourage you to focus on whole fruits, vary your veggies, and to move to low-fat or fat-free dairy milk or yogurt (or lactose-free dairy or fortified soy versions). We also want you to make half your grains whole grains, vary your protein routine, and choose foods and beverages with less added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium.


A simple thought is to make every bite count. A healthy eating routine can help boost your health now and, in the years, to come. Think about how your food choices come together over the course of your day or week to help you create a healthy eating routine. Take a look at your current eating routine. Pick one or two ways that you can switch to choices today that move you in a healthier direction. It may be to increase your water consumption, or eat one more serving of fruits and vegetables then you currently consume.


One tool available that can assist with that is the new My Plate Phone App. With the app you can

pick your goals, see real-time progress, and earn badges that celebrate your success. There are lots of subscriptions out there for apps to help you keep track of your eating but this one is free and helps you learn and reminds you to make healthier food choices each day.


You can set goals within food groups (Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein Foods, Dairy) by choosing from variety of goals or tap “Pick for me!” to have goals selected for you. There is also a MyPlate Quiz where you can use the results code to set your personal goals. Your goals can sync up to your smartwatch, or you can do it all on your mobile device.


Sometimes we just need a reminder to eat better. Sometimes we need something to keep us accountable. And sometimes we just need a new gadget to make it more fun! If eating healthier is part of your goal for the New Year I encourage you to check out the app at: https://www.myplate.gov/resources/tools/startsimple-myplate-app

Or, you can just go to www.myplate.gov and check out all of the great information in the updated Dietary Guidelines

So You Want to be a Goat Rancher?

By: Lacey Noterman, Livestock Extension Agent

The meat goat industry is an expanding U.S. business.  Estimates indicate approximately 50 million pounds of goat meat are consumed each year.  Imports from other countries total 23.7 million pounds.

The increasing popularity of goats is due to serval reasons.  The biggest reason is the increased demand.  A large number of ethnic groups whose members prefer goat meat have settled in the U.S. Outside of the U.S., goat meat is the meat protein highest in demand.  Another reason is the attraction of goat production as a sustainable enterprise for producers.  Goats can be a very profitable enterprise for producers with limited resources, time, and capital.

One type of enterprise to raise goats is for brush control: to clean up woody areas.  Producers who use goats for brush control generally are not concerned about overall goat production.  They only are interested in the effectiveness of goats in controlling or removing brushy plant material.

Another type is multi-species grazing operation.  This producer would start a goat operation to compliment other animal enterprises, normally cattle.  When goats are grazed simultaneously with cattle, a higher percentage of the pasture production is utilized.  Goats typically eat weeds and forbs that cows will not eat, which leaves the grass for the cows.

A third type would be raising purebred meat goats and or show goats, such as the Boer goat.  Although this type of operation seems to be the most profitable due to the higher prices received for such animals, it is also the type of operation with the highest start-up costs and the highest percentage of failure. These producers typically are required to purchase higher-priced full-blood does and bucks for this type of operation.

The final type is a commercial meat goat operation.  This type of operation, the goal should be to produce the optimal number of goats to maximize profits.  The optimal number of goats will depend on the resources available.

To determine which operation is the best for an individual producer, the critical factors are the producer’s needs, objectives and resources.  Resources such as available land, capital, management capabilities, fencing, and marketing channels all need to be evaluated.  Once the producer’s resources are determined and matched with the production goals, a long-term business plan can be developed.

For more information about starting your own goat operation, contact Lacey Noterman with the K-State Research and Extension Wild West Extension District.  Feel free to stop at your local Extension Office or email lnote@ksu.edu.


4-H Entomology Project

Entomology Project

By: Devin Ramsey, 4-H Agent

Last time we talked about one of the most popular projects in 4-H so lets talk about one not so popular but still very important. Entomology! The study of insects. Almost three-fourths of all animals are insects and impact our lives in both good and bad ways. Insects carry diseases and compete with us for food but they are also very important to us as well. Most importantly pollinations our crops but also controlling other insect pests and recycling organic matter.


Starting out with this project in 4-H would include learning how insects move and look. Fun activities may include building a compound eye, identify insects and observing their habits. This will help you in preparing your insect collection to be show at the fair. You will make an insect collection kit, and make traps and baits.


There is a wide variety of things you can do with this project in 4-H such as attending the Kansas 4-H Insect Spectacular. Project ideas for the fair could be an insect collection box which is the most common but also most difficult. If you are just getting started and don’t feel comfortable making a box quite yet. Start out with making a poster or educational display. Some ideas could be parts of an insect, pest management and the life cycle.


Check out more about this project here https://bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/4H1106.pdf. Reach out to any of the Wild West District Extension Offices for more information about 4-H.

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

By: Nancy Honig, FCS Agent

Have any of you actually roasted chestnuts or seen it done? One reason most people have not may be due to the 1904 chestnut fungus blight. In fewer than 50 years, chestnut blight eliminated 3.5 billion of an estimated four billion trees in the United States over the next 50 years. So when chestnuts were sung about in the 1940’s, chestnuts were on their way out.

Even if you’re not roasting chestnuts, I encourage you to get in the habit of roasting various nuts before using them in your baking!  Roasting nuts deepens their flavor, making them even more nutty and complex. It also gives them a crisper texture, which is one of the reasons we add nuts to our food. Even if your recipe doesn’t call for roasting, it can be a great way to pump up the flavor of your dishes.

You can easily roast nuts in the oven or on your stove top. Roasting nuts can be a little tricky, as they can go from almost done to overdone in less than a minute.

If you are using the oven begin by spreading nuts out in an even layer on a sheet pan, and pop them in a 350° oven. Be sure to check and stir the nuts frequently while they roast. Focus on moving the nuts from the edges, which can brown sooner than the nuts in the middle.

Generally speaking, lighter, more tender nuts such as pecans, pistachios, and walnuts will take 6-8 minutes to get to a good place. Denser nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, and macadamias, will take more like 8-10 minutes to finish toasting.  You may be tempted to turn the heat up, but don’t! If you roast them at too high a temperature you’ll have a dark outside and a raw inside, leading to an inconsistent flavor.

To toast nuts on the stove, heat a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Do NOT add any oil or cooking spray; the nuts have enough oils on their own and will not stick to the pan. Once the pan is hot, add a single layer of nuts and cook them, stirring frequently, until they are golden brown and super aromatic. Make sure to remove the nuts from the pan when they are done so they do not continue cooking from the residual heat in the pan.

Some of the positive reasons for roasting your nuts:

* Almonds: Roasting almonds gives the otherwise bland nuts a bold, rich flavor.

* Pecans: Roasting pecans brings out their nutty aroma.

* Walnuts: Roasting walnuts removes their bitterness.

* Pine nuts: Smaller nuts such as pine nuts are notorious for burning quickly. Check them more frequently, usually every 2 minutes or so.

* Chestnuts: Bitter when raw, roasted chestnuts have a delicate and slightly sweet flavor with a soft texture similar to sweet potato.

So, if you enjoy nuts in your baked goods, salads, desserts, etc. be sure and take the extra step and give them a little roast beforehand.


Processing Deer at Home

By: Lacey Noterman, Livestock Extension Agent

White tailed deer hunting in United States - BookYourHunt.com

Venison can be delicious meat.  A great deal of your family’s acceptance and enjoyment of venison will depend on how it is cut up and cooked.  So while you are out filling your deer tags, it is important to reserve your spot at the locker for processing.  This year you might struggle trying to find lockers that still have open spots.  Click on the link below to see the available deer processors in Kansas.


COVID-19 has brought lots of challenges for meat processors that are still trying to catch up from a backlog that came when large facilities closed because of virus outbreaks.  Whether you are looking for new options because the local butcher is booked, or you want to try your hands at new skills, processing meat at home could be a new option.

By processing your deer at home, you control the final product.  You can cut, package, and label each steak, sausage, or package of ground venison to your liking.  Before diving into this process you need to have all the right tools.  Below are valuable websites to assist with the proper process, and handling of processed wild game.





Parliamentary Procedure for Community Members

By: Kylee Harrison

Want to know a three-word-phrase that instantly gets under my skin?


I guess you could blame it on all my years of 4-H and FFA, but improper parliamentary procedure is a real pet peeve of mine!

If you are wondering what the heck I am even talking about, let’s start from the beginning.  Parliamentary procedure is the proper way to run a business meeting.  In the United States, Robert’s Rules of Order, which was first published in 1876 by U.S. Army Officer Henry Martyn Robert, is the most widely used manual for parliamentary procedure.

When using Robert’s Rules of Order, whether it be at religious group meetings, non-profit group meetings, school boards or government organizations, it gives us a set and common guideline to follow for ways to conduct business of the meeting.

The piece of parliamentary procedure that is most used is making a motion.  A motion means that you think the group should act on an idea, so you are going to present it to them, hence saying, “I move to…”  What is wrong with the phrase above?  Just improper grammar!

If you feel a little lost in your board meetings,  Wild West Extension offers a host of different ways to brush up on your rules so you can become a parliamentarian wiz!  Board Leadership is a great class that could be taught to your group to help with parliamentary procedure.  There are also many handouts that could be utilized to help your board.  Here is a quick and easy cheat sheet that tells most of the different phrases, what they mean, and how to use them.  http://diphi.web.unc.edu/files/2016/10/cheat-sheet.pdf

Need some more help?  Here is a fun parliamentary procedure crossword to test yourself.  Want to see how you did?  Email Kylee at kharrison@ksu.edu for the answers.

Holiday Shopping online?  Tips on how to keep your financial information safe.

By: Kristin Penner, Family Resource Management Extension Agent

For many shoppers, Cyber Monday kicks off the online holiday season.  For some online thieves, ‘tis the season to take advantage of so many people shopping online.  This year due to Covid-19 people are taking to the internet to complete their Christmas shopping safely.  But, are you making sure you are also protecting yourself from Identity theft?

Here are a few tips to help you shop safely this holiday season:

  • Set strong passwords for you accounts. Do not use the same password for multiple accounts.  If they hack one account, they can hack all your accounts.
  • Shop on sites where the web address begins with “https;” the “s” is for secure communications over the computer network.
  • Do not shop on unprotected Wi-Fi
  • Shop at familiar online retailers
  • Do not open links or attachments on suspicious emails.
  • Limit the amount of personal information you give out.

Source: Federal Trade Commission  https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0020-shopping-online

Finishing Those Last – Minute Garden Chores

By Ron Honig, Crops and Horticulture Agent

If you are like me, you are being forced to turn the corner and head toward winter, but still have a list of fall projects waiting to be completed. My short list includes tilling some peat moss and manure into the garden and a new flowerbed I’m trying to develop, planting a few bulbs that still need a home in the ground, collecting flower seeds from my dried plants before cutting them down and mulching around a few young trees.

We won’t even talk about the rest of the list like staining a couple new gates, searching for the leak in my sprinkler system or pouring a footer under the fence.  Apparently, some projects are just going to have to be rolled into spring.

So, what can we finish up here at the last minute?

Planting Fall Bulbs

Spring flowering bulbs we plant in the fall will winter better in the soil then trying to hold them another year.  We may not have time to work the bed under the bulbs adding organic matter and fertilizer, but we can at least turn the soil a few times with a shovel and get the bulbs in the soil before winter.  We may be wearing a heavy coat and using a flashlight, but we can probably get this chore done.  The soil is still fairly warm so we may get some root growth on the bulbs before complete winter dormancy.  Be sure to plant at the proper depth.

Cleaning Off Old Crop Residue

Depending on what you grow in your garden, it can be important to rake up the old plant stems, leaves, and discarded fruit, and then dispose of them to reduce disease and insect problems next year.  Old squash and pumpkin residue can harbor squash bugs through the winter.  Tomato plants and fruit can over-winter disease spores for next years crop.  Tilling them into the soil certainly helps but a combination of removing residue and with potential problems and tilling the finer remaining residue under the soil can provide double protection.

Tilling Organic Matter into the Garden

If you are person that likes to till their garden in the fall, there is still time to make that happen.   I piled some “clean” grass clippings mixed with leaves on the edge of my garden to incorporate into the soil.  If you are done mowing for the year, maybe there are still some leaves scattered around that could be raked up and tilled or spaded into the soil.  Adding store-bought organic matter such as peat moss is great also if you have time gather the ingredients.  If not, just work with what is readily available.

Don’t Let Free Seed Go to Waste  

If you have flowers that produced seed, there is still time to gather some of it up for use in the future.  Label some plastic sandwich bags with the flower’s name and store the bags in the refrigerator if you have room or in the garage.  If you punch a few holes in the plastic bags, it helps equalize the moisture so the seeds don’t mold.

Once you have all the seed you need, leave the rest for the birds to clean up.

Fertilizing Cool-Season Lawns

A late-fall application of nitrogen to cool-season grasses, such as fescues, feeds the roots without stimulating new growth.  The grass roots will continue to be active in the relatively warm soil after the top-growth has slowed for the winter season.  An application of 1 to 1 ½ pounds of actual nitrogen per 1,000 square feet of lawn can help keep your lawn fed during the winter and promote an earlier, more even green-up in the spring.

Since this application is feeding the roots during the winter, there is still time to make this application and hopefully we get some moisture to carry the nitrogen into the soil.  A light watering by hand can help move the fertilizer into the soil as well.

Last weekend we had a light rain shower move into the area.  I pulled out my fertilizer spreader in hopes of getting enough rain to water in my nitrogen without having to start up water.  I spread my fertilizer in the rain on one last zone of my lawn I hadn’t fertilized yet.  But unfortunately, the rain finished about the same time I did so I’m hoping the snow is heavy enough to finish the job.

Either way, that chore got completed and scratched off the list.

Field to Table

By: Nancy Honig, Adult Development and Aging Extension Agent

The bright orange colors visible around the area let us know pheasant season is in full swing, and deer season is just around the corner. For those who like to hunt and prepare wild game, here are some tips to make sure you are keeping it safe and delicious throughout the process.

The most important part is to process your game correctly in the field. Below is a link with great information about proper field dressing, as well as additional information on care, cookery (which includes recipes), and food preservation methods for game.

Once you have gotten your meat home you need to decide if you are going to eat it immediately, freeze it for later, or preserve it.

Continue reading “Field to Table”

4-H Project Foods and Nutrition

By: Devin Ramsey, 4-H and Youth Development Extension Agent

Since we have talked about what 4-H is and the roles that an adult plays, let’s talk about the different projects the 4-H has to offer.  Let’s start out with one of the most popular projects Foods and Nutrition. Most people when they think of foods and nutrition when it comes to 4-H is baked goods exhibited at the fair but it is so much more than that. You can take much more than baked goods to be exhibited at the fair. You can do canned goods which would include jam, jelly, salsa, etc.. An educational poster about anything food related, or even a food gift package. Plus, so much more.

But that is only talking about the exhibits at the fair, we must talk about what participating in the foods project teaches the 4-H’ers. From starting out learning basic food safety and how to properly measure ingredients. Then advancing throughout the years to learn how to make yeast breads and pies. 4-H’ers even learn how to prepare a meal and how that would fit in MyPlate. So then they can really start helping you in the kitchen at home.

Check out this great resource from Kansas 4-H to learn more https://bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/4H1112.pdf. If you are interested in joining 4-H please contact any of the Wild West District Extension Offices.

Generational Conflict

What do you see in the image above?  Some will see the rabbit, some will see the duck and some will see both.  People who see the duck but not the rabbit are not incorrect and vice-versa.  They simply see and perceive things differently.

Conflict can be much like this image.  It illustrates that sometimes we can learn to see a situation from someone else’s view but even if that doesn’t happen, we can still respect the other person’s view rather than allowing friction to occur.

Continue reading “Generational Conflict”

Advice for Selecting your Next Show Heifer or Steer

By: Lacey Noterman, Livestock Extension Agent

You’ve decided you want to show a steer or heifer, and it is prime time to start the selection and purchase process for your new project.  There are so many resources out there about sales.  There are magazines nearly two inches thick promoting every show steer open house, you start looking at online sales, and then you start hearing about the sales that are taking place in your area.  It is easy to become overwhelmed with so many options.  Before you become overwhelmed go back and think about the basics and following these three main factors when it comes to selection.

Continue reading “Advice for Selecting your Next Show Heifer or Steer”

Protecting Tree Health Through the Winter

By: Ron Honig, Crop Production and Horticulture Extension Agent

As temperatures have cooled, water demand in our lawns and acreages has dropped off significantly. Warm season grasses have gone dormant and our cool-season grasses have slowed their growth to the point of needing only one last mowing.

For our trees and shrubs, however, watering now is important if soils are dry to help alleviate moisture stress. Making sure trees go into the winter with adequate moisture to draw on is important for maintaining tree health. Many of the tree problems I observed in the last few years can be traced back to environmental stress and much of that stress is related to winter neglect or drought conditions.

Continue reading “Protecting Tree Health Through the Winter”

Black Friday Shopping on a Budget

By: Kristin Penner, Family Resource Management Extension Agent

As the Holidays are quickly approaching are you starting to plan for your holiday shopping?  Black Friday shopping is one of the most popular shopping day/days of the year, but it can also lead to financial strain for some.

Due to Covid 19 Black Friday will look a little different as sale prices have already started hitting in-store and online.  The pandemic does not seem to be discouraging Americans from spending this year, this could be due to the popularity of online sales.  According to Small Business Trends 42% of Americans plan to spend $500 on Black Friday Sales.

Continue reading “Black Friday Shopping on a Budget”

Eating When You Are Older

By: Nancy Honig, Adult Development and Aging Extension Agent

Eating, it seems like such a basic task. We make plans to go out and eat, we look for new recipes to try and share ideas with our friends. We wander into the kitchen and have a little snack. These seem like normal everyday tasks we do automatically, but as we age, and for those who live alone, eating is often not the same.

Eating balanced, nutritious meals can be challenging for older adults, and something they don’t pay much attention to. Here are some reasons they may not be eating well.

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4-H Volunteers

By: Devin Ramsey, 4-H and Youth Development Extension Agent


4-H may be a youth organization, but it doesn’t function without a lot of help from adult volunteers and 4-H parents. Parents and volunteers play a vital role in a 4-H’ers journey.

Parents are most important in their 4-H’ers life and by making 4-H a family event it can be even more fun. Plus parents will understand more about was expected of their children in 4-H and learn more about what is expected of them. It’s important for parents to take interest in their child’s 4-H projects to be able to assist them as needed. Learn what 4-H is and how it can better their child in the future. Also be encouraging for their child to try new things in such a safe environment. But parents aren’t not always able to do and know everything that is where our amazing volunteers come in.

4-H volunteers are not always 4-H parents. They might of been former 4-H’ers that just have a passion for a specific and have a desire to teach youth. Or even community members will be project leaders. With so many projects available in 4-H there is no way to have all the information so that is why we rely on volunteers.

If you have a passion about 4-H and its projects but just aren’t sure what being a project leader would entail, please contact the extension office to learn more.

Housing Tips for Small Poultry Flocks

By: Lacey Noterman, Livestock Extension Agent

Raising chickens in the United States dates back to the 17th century when the English first brought them here.  The chicken was originally domesticated by the English for cock fighting which was considered a spectator sport.  Since then chickens have been grown for showing, meat and egg supply or just the pure pleasure of having birds running around in the yard.  Whatever your reasons for having a flock of birds in your yard, consideration should be given to where and how the birds will be housed.  In evaluating plans, here’s what you need to consider to keep your flock safe, healthy, and productive.

When designing a structure for your flock, it is very important to design something that keeps your birds in as well as keeping predators out.  Neighborhood dogs have probably killed more chickens in the suburban areas than any other predator.  Coyotes, skunks, foxes, raccoons, and hawks may try to steal an easy meal.

Management Guide for the Backyard Flock | The Poultry Site

Continue reading “Housing Tips for Small Poultry Flocks”

Community Capitals

Community Capitals Framework; Measuring Success Now And In The Future

A common chord that communities all over the United States share is they are actively looking to the future.  Whether it is a mid-level urban setting, or the smallest of “Small Town, USA,” leaders are trying to determine what the next steps are for their neighborhoods, counties or districts.  The Community Capitals Series introduces the concept of measuring current successes and resources in communities based on seven dimensions called community capitals.  According to Cheryl Jacobs, Community Leadership Development Extension Associate with South Dakota State University Cooperative Extension Service, capital is defined as a resource that is capable of producing additional resources.  Community capitals are also a useful way of identifying potential improvements.  In this article, we will be focusing on natural capital, which is defined as the environment, natural beauty, lakes, rivers and streams, forests, wildlife, soil and the local landscape.

Natural capital consists of all the natural resources available to a community, which could include water, air, fertile soil, biodiversity and landscape or wildlife habitats.  These are all resources that are not man-made and already exist.  Most all our natural capitals can be affected by things that are out of human control, such as drought.

Continue reading “Community Capitals”

Integrated Resource Management (IRM) Redbooks

The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association has developed integrated Resource Management (IRM) Redbooks for more than 20 years in order to help cattlemen and women keep better production records and enhance the profitability of their operations.

Promotional Items

These Redbooks are small enough to fit in your pocket and are extremely handy to use whenever you need to record important information.  They are an inexpensive way to keep your business on track.

Continue reading “Integrated Resource Management (IRM) Redbooks”

Meet Devin Ramsey

devin ramsey

Introducing – Devin Ramsey – Devin grew up in Carbondale, KS. While she lived there she was as a member of the Carbondale Rustlers 4-H Club in Osage County. Devin graduated from Santa Fe Trail High School. She then went to Kansas State University and graduated with a Bachelors degree in Animal Science. Before coming to southwest Kansas, she was the 4-H Program Assistant in Marais des Cygnes District for 4 years.

Meet Lacey Noterman

lacey noterman

Introducing-Lacey Noterman, Livestock Production Agent
Lacey grew up on a farm right outside of Dighton, Kansas. She graduated from Dighton High School. Lacey was a 12-year member of the Eager Beavers 4-H Club in the Walnut Creek District. After high school Lacey attended Fort Hays State University. At FHSU, Lacey was a member of the Livestock Judging team. Lacey received her bachelor’s degree in Animal Science and a certificate in Leadership Studies.

Continue reading “Meet Lacey Noterman”

Meet Nancy

nancy honig

Introducing-Nancy Honig, Adult Development and Aging/4-H Youth Development Agent
Nancy grew up in Garden City and was an 11 year member in the Beacon Boosters 4-H Club. She worked in retail growing up as her mother owned both a fabric store and several retail clothing shops. She is married (to my co-worker) and have an adult son (Stetson) who lives in Hugoton. They have two very spoiled and very cute dachshund dogs and we love to travel the world whenever the opportunity arises!

Continue reading “Meet Nancy”