Kansas State University


IT News

“Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics” training on Nov. 13

“Exploring Advanced Features of Qualtrics” is scheduled from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. on Nov. 13 in 301A Hale Library. All students, faculty, and staff who use this tool are welcome to attend.


The Qualtrics tool that powers K-State Survey is one of the most sophisticated survey tools on the market. At K-State, it is used for research, teaching assessment, event registration, large-scale compliance trainings, and more.

Qualtrics offers an array of features: branching logic, piped text, email and panel triggers, display logic, quotas, translation into dozens of languages, survey protections, offline survey (and related data) archival, and some advanced analytics.

These features will be introduced during the two-hour session. The first hour focuses on building surveys with special features, the second on extracting data for analysis and data analytics.

Attendees are assumed to have basic experience with setting up and deploying a survey in Qualtrics as well as extracting data for analysis.  A quick sample survey is available for those who want a sense of what the training will cover.

If you have questions about this event, please email shalin@k-state.edu or call 785-532-5262. No RSVP is necessary. Those with questions related to their projects are welcome to contact the presenter directly by email.

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