Kansas State University


IT News

Canvas: July updates

Updates to Canvas were released on July 13. To see all the new features and fixed bugs, view the complete July Release Notes.

The following updates have been made in Canvas:

  • New Gradebook — On Monday, Aug. 19, the New Gradebook will be activated in Canvas. The New Gradebook offers several enhanced features, including:
    • A better user experience addressing user-suggested improvements
    • Support for flexible late/missing assignment policies
    • Improved accessibility support
  • New Gradebook – Grade Post Policies — The New Gradebook includes a grade posting policy, which sets how grades and comments are released to students. This change redefines assignment-wide muting to an individual assignment level, making grades visible down to individual sections of a course, or hide previously posted grades if needed. This change only benefits New Gradebook. Instructors using the Old Gradebook must continue to mute and unmute individual assignments and release grades to all students at the same time.
  • Commons – Featured Content — Commons includes featured content at the top of the Search page that highlights or promotes specific resources. This change allows instructors to quickly identify high-quality instructional content in Commons. Featured content is currently curated by the Commons team and highlighted to benefit all Commons users.
  • People Page – Pairing Codes CSV Export — Users with permission to generate pairing codes can export a CSV file with newly-generated pairing codes for all students in a course. This change allows instructors to generate pairing codes for all course students in a single CSV file. Previously, pairing codes could only be generated individually.

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