Kansas State University


IT News

New Canvas Gradebook coming Aug. 19

On Monday, Aug. 19, the New Gradebook will be activated in Canvas. The New Gradebook offers several enhanced features, including:

  • A better user experience addressing user-suggested improvements
  • Support for flexible late/missing assignment policies
  • Improved accessibility support

The New Gradebook mimics the view of the current Gradebook while including several additional features:

  • Grade Post Policies — The New Gradebook includes a grade posting policy, which sets how grades and comments are released to students. This change redefines assignment-wide muting to an individual assignment level, making grades visible down to individual sections of a course, or hide previously posted grades if needed. The Mute functionality has been replaced with the Manual Grade Posting Policy.
  • Grade detail tray: The grade detail tray displays a grading summary by assignment and student. Just as in SpeedGrader, an instructor can click the next and previous links at the top of the tray to advance to another student or assignment.
  • Late and missing submission policies: Instructors can set grading rules.
    • Automatically apply a grading rule to late and missing submissions
    • Manually adjust submission status to none, late, missing, or excused
    • Enable late or missing policies in the Gradebook Settings menu
  • More filtering and sorting options: Instructors can choose to order the columns by assignment names, due dates, points, or modules. You can also filter for a particular assignment group or module.
  • Crosshairs: The New Gradebook offers crosshairs and highlighting for improved orientation. Additionally, each row includes alternating colors to help with navigation.
  • Submission status color coding: Instructors can customize the color associated with a Gradebook Status: late, missing, resubmitted, dropped, or excused.

For step-by-step instructions on using the New Gradebook, view the How to use the New Gradebook guide.

To learn more about the New Gradebook, go to canvas.ksu.edu/newgradebook.

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