Kansas State University


IT News

Canvas: Updates from the summer

Several updates were made to Canvas during the summer months. Highlights from the summer are listed below. To see all the new features and fixed bugs in Canvas, view the Canvas Release Notes.

The following updates have been made in Canvas:

  • Commons – Featured Content — Commons includes featured content at the top of the Search page that highlights or promotes specific resources. This change allows instructors to quickly identify high-quality instructional content in Commons. Featured content is currently curated by the Commons team and highlighted to benefit all Commons users.
  • Reply Settings Interface Change — When students are not allowed to edit or delete their own discussion posts, the Settings menu for a discussion shows those functions have been disabled. This change more clearly informs students if they are allowed to edit or delete their own discussion posts. Previously when this feature was disabled, the Settings menu was removed, causing students to think there was a bug with being able to edit or delete their posts.
  • Unsplash Image Search — The Flickr image search has been replaced by Unsplash. This change replaces Flickr with Unsplash, which offers high-quality, safe images for use as resource thumbnails in Commons. The Flickr logo has been removed from the interface. Existing images imported from Flickr will not be affected.
  • Message Students Who — In the New Gradebook, the Message Students Who window displays names in alphabetical order. This change allows instructors to find student names in the window more easily.
  • Compose Field Message Removal — The Compose Message window no longer includes an option to remove previously received messages. The Remove option to each specific message has been removed. This change improves accessibility within the Compose Message window. Individual messages can still be deleted from a conversation in the Conversations window by opening the message, selecting the Settings menu, and clicking the Delete link.

To keep up-to-date on the latest news, view the Canvas information webpage.

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