Updates to Canvas were released on October 19. To see all the new features and fixed bugs, view the complete October Release Notes.
The following updates have been made in Canvas:
- Navigation — The Admin, Course, and User Navigation Menus have been updated to include color and visual indicators to define active menu items. Additionally, the Course Navigation Menu includes tooltip indicators to clarify inactive menu items. No functionality has been affected. This change helps improve accessibility in Canvas. Previously the inactive links displayed in light gray text with a light border, which did not fulfill contrast ratios. Additionally, active and inactive links only relied on color to convey information.
- CSV Report Localization — In User Settings, the feature options to manage international preferences of byte-order mark, semicolons, and field separators are supported in account-level Outcome Results and Student Competency reports and the Learning Mastery Gradebook Export report. Additionally, the feature option descriptions have been updated to clarify the options apply to any compatible spreadsheet export. This change allows users to view commas and special characters in any compatible spreadsheet export that supports the functionality. Previously only Gradebook exports were supported.
- New Course and User Analytics — New Course and User Analytics functionality will be enabled during the holiday break for Spring 2020. This change will give instructors and students an interactive and actionable view of course analytics. Previous data will be in the new format, and the tool will need to be enabled in your Course navigation settings.