K-State is being hit with the following scam.
The email makes users think they are signing in to their K-State account because of an exact replica of the K-State sign in page. After the user logins with K-State information, the scam asks for their Social Security number.
If you have shared your Social Security number on this “fake” portal, change your password immediately and follow the Identify Theft Recovery Steps.
If you are not sure about an email, please don’t respond. The Division of Information Technology can determine if an email is a scam. Send the questionable email to abuse@ksu.edu.
K-State will never ask for your password, social security number, or any other personally identifiable information in an email. See the Scams blog to stay up-to-date on the latest scams hitting K-State.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact the IT Help Desk (helpdesk@ksu.edu or 785-532-7722).