Kansas State University


IT News

IT Security Roundtable June 5: PGP Whole Disk Encryption installation demo

The June IT security roundtable will be 9-10:30 a.m. this Friday, June 5, in Union 213 on PGP Whole Disk Encryption software. Josh McCune, network security analyst, will give a presentation and facilitate the discussion.

You may recall the presentation on this topic back in December. We are ready to begin rolling out this software to those who purchased it. There will be a recap about what the software is and why it’s necessary, followed by a demonstration of the installation procedure. Departmental support personnel who will be responsible for installing this software are encouraged to attend, as well as server administrators who will be running their own instance of PGP Universal Server. The IT security roundtable is sponsored by SIRT and is open to everyone.

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