Kansas State University


IT News

TechBytes Oct. 28: Crowdsourcing, Collaboration, and Collaboratition

Michael Wesch will present “Crowd Sourcing, Collaboration, and Collaboratition” at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28, in Forum Hall, K-State Student Union. From the massive success of Wikipedia to the virtual volunteer efforts in crises around the world, “crowdsourcing” and online collaboration have proven to be an effective means of working together. Join this session to learn a wide variety of free crowdsourcing tools that are available to empower your students to collaborate and solve real problems.

[Editor’s note: According to Wikipedia, “collaboratition” is “a neologism to describe a type of crowdsourcing used for problems that require a collaborative or cooperative effort to be successful, but use competition as a motivator for participation or performance.”]

TechBytes seminars are free and open to the K-State community. The series is also video-streamed live for off-campus viewers and others who wish to view it from their desktop. Use the View live video link on the TechBytes homepage to watch the next live video as it’s being recorded.

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