Kansas State University


IT News

IT security roundtable Jan. 14: Protecting credit card information

The next SIRT-sponsored IT security roundtable is 9-10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 14, in Hale 301 on the topic of protecting credit card information. The payment card industry (PCI) has rather strict security requirements for any merchant that accepts credit cards for payment.

If your department at K-State accepts credit card payments, then you must comply with these data security standards (DSS), for which version 2.0 was recently published.

Harvard Townsend, K-State’s chief information security officer, will provide an overview of PCI DSS 2.0 and plans for compliance at K-State. This primer will benefit both the staff who handle credit card transactions for a department as well as the IT staff who support the technology associated with credit card payments.

Beyond complying with this industry requirement, proper protection of credit card information is critical to maintaining the trust of those who purchase goods and services from K-State. Furthermore, the cost of a breach is enormous both in financial terms as well as the potential damage to K-State’s reputation. The importance of protecting credit card information cannot be overstated. If you are involved in handling or supporting credit card transactions, plan now to attend this important seminar.

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About Harvard Townsend (harv@ksu.edu)

Chief Information Security Officer