Kansas State University


IT News

Carrying on through snow days using IT tools

Faculty, don’t let a few snow days keep you from holding class. K-State has tools to connect in spite of 11+ inches of snow. Here are some options to consider.

Use K-State Online to post an outline or summary of what you would have covered, in a Word, PDF or other document. Post Q&A sessions on the message board. Provide an audio recording on the Announcement page for students to prepare for the next class meeting.

Use Zoom audio/videoconferencing to record commentary on what would have been covered during the class. Some suggestions: 

  • Provide an overview of an assignment
  • Clarify a concept
  • Work a problem
  • Explain how to prepare for upcoming projects
  • Record the session that would have occurred with the guest speaker
  • Review for the exam
  • Hold Q&A sessions and office hours
  • …and so much more (send us your suggestions)

Zoom also is a tool for holding remote meetings. Just post the meeting’s web address and ID into a browser or, if the Internet isn’t available, use the telephone number provided and phone in. To learn how to use Zoom, see K-State’s Accessing Zoom page (in the Knowledge Base).

Use the Qualtrics survey system to ask students how they spent their snow days. On second thought, maybe you don’t want to know.

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