“Tapping Social Media Data with NCapture and NVivo” will be offered 1:30-3:30 p.m. Friday, April 24, in 301 Hale Library. This presentation provides an overview of the NCapture add-in to NVivo 10 as a tool for extracting information from social media platforms and will explore how the extracted data is analyzed using NVivo 10, a qualitative and mixed methods data analysis tool.

The following topics will be addressed:
- questions from the prior basic and advanced trainings in NVivo 10
- how to extract data from social media platforms (like Twitter Tweetstreams, Facebook data, YouTube video links, and the general Web and Internet) using NCapture
- how to code on and query social media data using the analytical tools in NVivo 10
- how to create data visualizations from social media platforms in NVivo 10, and
- what may be asserted by social media data.
This is an interactive session, with an optional social media extraction of the participant’s choice and a sharing of the participant’s findings to the group. Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops.
The room will be open at 1 p.m. The presenter will be using the Windows version of the software. If there are any questions, please contact shalin@k-state.edu or call 785-532-5262. No RSVP is required. All are welcome.
Post-event, if there is interest, the presenter will demonstrate some other tools that enable the easy extraction of all images or videos from a website; the mapping of HTTP networks; network analysis of user accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube; the mapping of related tags networks on Flickr, and more (to enlarge the sense of what may be accomplished with social media data). These latter demos are complementary to (not replicative of) what may be achieved with NCapture and the related NVivo.
NVivo 10 site license
K-State has a site license for NVivo 10 software (for both Windows and Mac systems) for all faculty, administrators, staff, and graduate students, who are each allowed two downloads and installs of the software.
The software and the activating license key may be accessed at
k-state.edu/ID/KStateNVivoDownload with a current eID and password. (A new license key has been made available to the K-State research community. Please log on to the prior site to access it.)
QSR International trainings
QSR International offers some superb video tutorials and both free and for-pay events.
An additional reference
Those who have already started using NVivo may want to refer to “Using NVivo: An Unofficial and Unauthorized Primer,” which is an evolving e-book built on the Scalar platform that highlights various features of the tool.